[N. R. Srinivasa Raghavan: Re: INTRO about myself]

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 17, 1995

My humble salutations to the Sri Vasihanvites out there.

I am a research student in the department of Computer Science at
the Indian Institute of Science. My broad area of Research would be
in the area of business systems analysis and design. i completed my
M.Tech in Management Studies from the same institute, this year. 

Coming to the spiritual side, i was fortunate to be initiated into
Sri Vaishnavism by my father Sriman (U.Ve) N.S.Ramanuja Tatacharya,
whom some of you may be knowing. 

With the very little intellectual acumen that i pretend to posses, all that i think that i can do is to raise issues and some questions,which i am sure the congregation of scholars there can ponder over and respond.

But it gladdens me to know that a decent set of people on the web
dedicate their time to invigorate the others by doing praise worthy
translations, Divya Desam Project etc.

i come forward to offer any little bit of work that i can take up.
You can access my URL : http://www.csa.iisc.ernet.in/~raghavan/.
If there's some problem, you can try

Here goes a sample of my questions:

 >  the purpose of using Thiruman on our foreheads is reasonably clear:
    that it connotes the Lord's Holy Thiruvadi. But, why is it that 
    the Lord Himself wears Thiruman on His Forehead?!
    i would be happy if someone provides a reply

Sriman Narayana Prithyartham