sree vishnu sahasra naamaavali - post 20

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 21, 2002

Post 20

Dear sri vaishNava perunthagaiyeer,

In this post we will see naamaas of sree Vishnu sahasra naamam havingthe common thread of "negativity" appearing in the naamaa which leads to a positive meaning like  a-ksharaaya - giving the meaning - one who never wanes. 

The negativity is the common thread in this post. May be we have to enjoy this in two posts due to the large number of naamaas.
In samskrutham, for any word, if you put 'a' in front, it leads to a negative meaning. 
Similar is the case with  'an', 'na', 'nir', 'dhur'. 
We will see these four combinations of negativity in the naamaas [but as stated the meaning is positive].

a.	the 'a' series.
1.	Om a vyayaaya nama: -- naamaa no.13 occurring in slOkam 2. 
	also naamaa no. 700 occurring in slOkam 96 - for sri sankara. 
	meaning:  one who is without  destruction- he by whom the released soul is not sent away. 
	Indestructible -  changeless. 
	[na vyapagamyathE asmaath ithi avyaya:]
	[Sri Bhattar considers this naamaa 700 as kapi: avyaya: , hence it can not be included here.]

2.	Om a ksharaaya  nama: -- naamaa no.17 occurring in slOkam 2
	meaning: one who never wanes- indestructible. - unconditioned.
	naamaa no. 480 occurring in slOkam 51 for sri sankara. 
	For 480- he who is ever exisitent without decrease or destruction - imperishable - he who never wanes
	[Sri bhattar considers this naamaa in 481 - with previous naamaa 480 sath and offers commentary 
	for Om aksharam sathE nama:] 

3.	Om niDhi: a vyayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 30 occurring in slOkam 4
	Meaning: the inexhaustible treasure - imperishable treasure.
	[niDheeyathE asmin ithi niDhi:] 

4.	Om a pramEyaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 46 occurring in slOkam 6
	meaning: the immeasurable- inexpressible

5.	Om a graahyaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 56 occurring in slOkam 7
	meaning: he who is beyond easy grasp - imperceptible- incomprehensible.

6.	Om a hnE nama: -- naamaa no.  91occurring in slOkam 10
	meaning: he who never forsakes any one - han means destroy 
	- so one who never destroys any one who has surrendered to him. 

7.	Om a jaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 96 occurring in slOkam 11
meaning: the unborn. 
as per sankara - one who removes all hindrances that stand in the way of attaining him.
Also naamaa no. 206 occurring in slOkam  22 meaning: the unborn - birthless - also brahma- 
Also naamaa no. 524 occurring in slOkam 56 meaning- arising out of the first alphabet a 
[ja means born, a means supreme lord, so it is son of Krishna the pradhyumna 
	akaara vaachyan vishNu, 
	also it can be brahma for he is born in the lotus arising from navel of vishnu. ]

8.	Om a chyuthaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 101 occurring in slOkam 11
	meaning: who is never separated.

	also naamaa no. 320 occurring in slOkam 34 
	meaning: chyutha means fallen or modified 
	- achyutha- never fallen, who has not got any modification

	also naamaa no. 557 occurring in slOkam 59 
	meaning: he who never slips down from eternal form
	"yasmaath na chyuthapoorva aham achyuthasthEna karmaNaa - 
	I have never ever fallen before from my real nature. Therefore I am achyutha

9.	Om a mEya aathmanE nama: -- naamaa no. 103 occurring in slOkam 11
	meaning: of a configuration that is incomprehensible.
	also naama 181 occurring in slOkam 20 
	meaning: he who is of unaccountable manifestations.

10.	Om a mOGhaaya nama: -- naamaa no.111 occurring in slOkam 12
	Meaning: whose worship is not futile - ever useful.
	also naamaa no. 156 occurring in slOkam 
	meaning: whose actions are never without purpose. 
	mOGha: - useless, amOGha: - useful- fruitful

11.	Om a nirdhEsya vapushE nama: -- naamaa no.179 occurring in slokam 19.
	Also naamaa no. 662 occurring in slokam 70
	meaning: he who has indefinable configuration or indescribable form

12.	Om a nirudhDhaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 187 occurring in slOkam 20
	meaning: the irresistible - victorious

13.	Om a mruthyavE nama: -- naamaa no. 200 occurring in slOkam 22
	meaning: one who wards of death - one who knows no decay

14.	Om a nimishaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 216 occurring in slokam 23 
	meaning: he whose eyes are open wide and awake to all.

15.	Om a sankhyEyaaya nama:  -- naamaa no. 248  occurring in slokam 28 
	meaning: the innumerably formed lord.

16.	Om a pramEya aathmanE nama: -- naamaa no. 249 occurring in slokam  27
	meaning: he who is immeasurable - can not be apprehended by the intellect.

17.	Om a dhrusyaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 305 occurring in slOkam 33
	meaning: he who can not be seen- imperceptible.

18.	Om a visishtaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 310 occurring in slOkam 34
	meaning: he in whose attitude towards others there is no partiality.
	For sri sankara this naamaa is visishtaaya nama - one who is noblest and most sacred. 

19.	Om a pramaththaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 327 occurring in slOkam 35
	Meaning: the ever vigilant 
	- one who has no pramadha - one who never commits a mistake in his judgement.

20.	Om a sOkaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 338 occurring in slOkam 37
	Also naamaa no. 637 occurring in slOkam 67
	meaning: for 338 -he who dispels sorrows - one who has no sorrows.
	For 637 - he who is without sorrow or grief 
	- this naamaa is visOkaaya nama for sri sankara which means sorrowless.

21.	Om a thulaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 357 occurring in slOkam 39
	meaning: the incomparable.

22.	Om a mitha asanaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 374 occurring in slOkam 40
	meaning: voracious eater - of endless appetite.

23.	Om a nayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 401 occurring in slokam 43 
	meaning: he who can not be led away by his enemies - not guided or lead by any other person.

24.	Om a DhOkshajaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 416 occurring in slOkam 44
	meaning: he who does not get diminished - whose vitality never flows down but always upwards. 
	[aDhO na ksheeyathE jaathu thasmaath aDhOkshaja:]

25.	Om a nirviNNaaya nama: -- naamaa no.436 occurring in slOkam 47
	Also naamaa no. 893 occurring in slOkam 95
	Meaning: for 436 and 893 - he who is never despondent.

26.	Om a sathE nama: -- naamaa no. 479 occurring in slokam 51 [ sri sankara considers this way] 
	meaning: one who has conditioned existence and confined to world of plurality.

27.	Om a vignaathrE  nama: -- naamaa no. 483  occurring in slOkam 51
Meaning: the non knower- who ignores and overlooks or does not cognize offences of his devotees. 
To that extent he is non knower. 

Rest we will see in next post.


Vasudevan M.G.

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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