VaikhAnasa saMhitAs
From the Bhakti List Archives
Ute Huesken • Sat Nov 02 2002 - 11:28:01 PST
Dear T.S. Sundara Rajan, thank you very much for your posting. Actually, as already was correctly mentioned in a posting to this list, the VaikAnasas do in fact have a much more ritual outlook than the PAncarAtrins. This might have to do with the - to my opinion - basic difference between these two groups: the VaikhAnasa are a Vedic zAkhA and a caste at the same time. The second feature means that they are temple priests by birth (the term garbhavaiSNava is relevant here) and do not have a initiation (dIkSA). The PAncarAtrins - at least according to their SaMhitAs (I do not know much about the present day practice) - become temple priests by undergoing several initiations. This basic difference MIGHT (one must be very careful with suppositions like that, they easily can turn out to be wrong) be one of the reasons why the VaikhAnasas did not lay so much stress on the development of theological, soterioligical and philosophical texts, but are more concerned with ritual texts. The MokSopAyapradIpikA is one exception - the other (more "classic") is the text LakSmIviziSTAdvaitabhASya by ZrInivAsa DIkSita, the most important VaikAnasa philosopher, who lived in Tirupati somewhen after the 14th and before the 18th century A.D. Therefore, I totally agree with you that the MokSopAya PradIpikA is an extremely important text. This is also evident since it was edited and printed already several times - in Telugu, Grantha and Devanagari characters. Thank you very much for your reference ti this recent edition, I did not know it so far. As you say, the etymology of praNava is in full accordance with vi-khana (digging in the heart/mind; and as VizeSakhana: digging into "differences" , digging out the particularity [of the VaikhAnasa system]) vi-nakha (without nails = without harshness = sweet) or paZyaka = he who observes kaZyapa = proper name of one of Vikahnas' pupils Your reference to Sankara's bhAshyam and Sri parASara-bhaTTa's bhaGavad-GuNa-darpaNa bhAshyam is very instructive, I will have to look into it in more detail, thanks a lot for this hint! Usually, the VaikhAnasasUtra together with the SaMhitAs are collectively called VaikhAnasabhagavacchAstra. MarIci, as one of Vikhanas' pupils, wrote down some of the SaMhitAs (and thus counts as their "author"), however, only three of his works evidently have survived (or, to be more correct, are available in print today): - AdisaMhitA (only 18th chapter of it) - AnandasaMhitA (extremely interesting text) - VimAnArcanakalpa The last text is very popular among VaihAnasas and therefore is frequently referred to as "MarIcisaMhitA". It is a prose text - contrary to most of the other surviving SaMhitAs, which are metrical texts. This VimAnArcanakalpa is in fact the text dealt with by Gerard Colas in some of his publications. To my knowledge there is nothing like a descriptive catalogue of the vaikhAnasa samhitA-s. However, Prof. Varadachari in his excellent book on South Indian Agamas summarizes the content of most of the Agamas. The best I myself can offer is a list of VaikhAnasa printed texts, which includes the (printed) SaMhitAs, but also other (later) texts. Most of these texts have been printed between 1920 and 1930 in a small village in Southern AP, Igavaripalam (also called Eguvaripalayam etc), in a series called ZrIvaikhAnasagranthamAlA. Since they are not available nowadays (and, if so, the paper is very brittle) the TTD together with the SriVaikhAnasa Divya SiddhAnta Vivardhini SabhA (Tirumalai) took care to reprint or even re-edit many of these VaikhAnasasaMhitAs. If you are interested, I can send the list of printed VaikAnasa books to you, hoping to inspire future research on this topic. Please just send me a note, due to work load it might take some days to convert the file. Best regards Ute -- Dr. Ute Huesken Lehmkuhle 31 37130 Gleichen Germany phone: 0049-5508-923686 e-mail: +++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more +++ NEU: Mit GMX ins Internet. Rund um die Uhr für 1 ct/ Min. surfen! -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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