Srimath Azhagiya Singar's approaching 75th Birthday completion celebration (Nov 26): Vedic Reflections NavAham (Nine days of salutation based on the Seventh canto Rg Veda Manthrams ): Fifht Day of salutation to the Vaibhavam of HH Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA Desikan ...NavAham :Part V
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Tue Nov 06 2001 - 20:23:45 PST
Dear Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha BhakthAs: There are many insightful words in the Rg Vedam (VII. 76.6 , 77.4 and 91.3) that caught my attention in the context of my illustrious AchAryan , HH Sri NaarAyana YathIndhra MahA Desikan's kalyANa gunams . These words are: I. Usharbhuda: ************** Rk 76.6 Usharbhudha: Sayana defines it as the one " waking" at dawn ( Ushasi Bhudhyantha: ithi). What is this Dawn ? Vedic dawn is not the physical dawn. It is a symbol for light that burns within all of us. It is supremely radiant in Parama Hamsa ParivrAjaka SanyAsis like HH Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra MahA Desikan. Dawn in VedAs is also described as Gomathi , which means luminous or radiant source of an aprakruthic nature.Sri Lakshmi Nrusimhan is shining brilliantly in the heart cavity of adiyEn's illustrious AchAryan. Asmath achAryan waking up in the early morning performing His anushtAnam is an Usharbhudan , whose tapas illuminates all who come near Him and energizes them .Brahma MuhUrtham is very special to DEvAs, SanyAsis and the Lord. One who is awake to greet the dawn as an Usharbhudan is a blessed One , who lights the way for others. II. AnthivAma: *************** Rg Veda Rk 77.4: The striknig word here is "anthivAmA ". This is intrepreted by Sayana as " One who is a possessor or bearer of wealth (to us) worth having ". (anthi asmadhanthikE vaamam vananeeyam Dhanam yasyA: Saa AntivAmA). Vankata MaadhavA intreprets AnthivAmA as the one who delivers Sannikrushta Dhanam .Sannikrushtam means Proximate or that comes near like the sulkam at Paandya King's court , which bent and came near PeriyAzhwAr with the anugraham of the Supreme Being. AchAryan is the anthivAaman bringing the Sannikrushta dhanam close within our reach. III. SumEdha: Rg RK VII.91.3 ******************************** The manthram containing "SumEdha:" ( One blessed with discriminating Intellect) is : pIvOannagum rayivrudha: SUMEDHA : SvEtha: sishakthi niyutham abhishrI: tE vaayavE samanasO vi tasthur visvEn nara: svapatyAni chakru: (Meaning ):" The intelligent bright Lord of Motivation is glorious with the yoked cosmic seeds (of AchAram and anushtAnam). He favours those men , who are well fed ( well qualified with Jn~Anam) and abound in riches (of a spiritual kind). They are of one mind (Samanasa:), ever ready to worship Him , and are the leaders of such pious ceremonies as are productive of excellent progeny (Sishya Rathnams)". "rayi-vrudha:" in this manthram refers to those abounding in riches of a lasting kind. "visvEt savpatyaani chakru:" in this manthram refers to an AchAryan in my mind , who take all care to produce good paramparai of SishyAs ( Progeny). Sri Vaikunta Vaasi MukkUr lakshmi NrusimhAcchAr Swamy is one such progeny of HH Sri NaarAyaNa YathIndhra Maha Desikan . All the three Vedic words , " Usharbhudha: , anthivAma: and SumEdhA " apply very well to Srimath Azhagiya Singar. Srimath Azhagiya Singar ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam , Daasan , Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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