SrI DEhalISa Sthuthi of SwAmy DESika and Mudal AzhwArs.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• November 6, 2000

Dear Members,

During the Tiru-Nakshatram celebrations of the "Mudal AzhwArs"
(first three AzhwArs), let us enjoy (briefly) how SwAmy DESika had
the anubhavam of SrI DEhalISa (of Triuk-KOva(i)lUr) with
references to the anubhavam of Mudal AzhwArs (SrI Poigai AzhwAr,
SrI BhUthathAzhwAr and SrI PEy AzhwAr)

In DEhalISa sthuthi, SwAmy SrI NigamAntha mahA DESika says
"dIpEna kEnachidaSItharuchA niSIthE 
dahrAvakASanibIDam dadruSruBhavantham
swvAdhyAyayOgEnayanA: Suchaya: kavIndrA:"

The Mudal AzhwArs had the VEda and dyAna as their eyes and
unparalleled unsurpassed purity in their mind. Being 
extraordinary kavis (divine poets), they were able to see
SrIman NArAyaNa (SrI DEhalISa of Triuk-kOva(i)lUr). Without
the help of the charming moon light in the dark night, 
they used the divine lamp, which had the bhakti as oil,
pure satva-guNa as wick and saw you (SrI DEhalISa) in a
small DEhalI in an utmost vicinity with you. 

paNNAthatEkshusubhagasya rasO bahustE
thvathpAdapadma-madhuni thvadananyabhOgyE
nUnam samAsrayathi nUthanaSarkarAthvam"

The first three AzwArs who are divine and great poets, 
enjoyed you in an extraordinary way: You (SrI DEhalISa)
are like a divine rich sugarcane grown wonderfully in the
river side of rich PENNai. The juice of this sugarcane
is the essence of your all kalyANa guNas, which is
divine SowSIlyam. The paramikAnti-mudal-AzhwArs who 
do not think of anything other than your lotus feet,
pressed(!) you because of little space in the small DEhalI and
and enjoyed truly the divine nectar of your lotus feet with the
new divine Sarkara (sugar) of the essence of your kalyANa
guNa-rasam which is SowSIlyam. 

The viSEshArthams of these verses are many. What is written here
is just an outline of the verses.

Thanks & Regards
M.S.HARI Ramanuja Daasan.

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