Padhuka Sahasram-381
From the Bhakti List Archives
Unknown Sender • Fri May 18 2001 - 10:25:49 PDT
Sri: SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha, Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin: 381. shruthInAm BhUShaNanAm thE shankE rangEndhra pAdhukE! miTha sanGarshasanjAtham raja: kimapi shinjitham Oh Ranganatha Paaduka! The musical sound generated from the gemstones on You, as the Lord walks through the streets, looks as though it were produced by mutually competing Veda branches, serving You as adornment, praising You. Namo Narayana, SriMuralidhara Dasan Naadha Paddhathi **************** Special Notes by V.Satakopan (V.S): After offering his praise for the sacredness of the dust created by the Paadhukaas , Swami Desikan shifts his attention to the holy and the most enjoyable Naadham created by the Paadhukaas , when they move from place to place with the Lord. Like dust is made up of many specks , Naadham (agreeable musical sound) produced by the Paadhukaas has many notes and moods. Swamy Desikan composed one hundred verses to celebrate the uniqueness of the holy Naadahm evoked by the Paadhukaas and housed them in the Naadha Paddhathi, the longest of all the Paddhathis of the Sri RanganAtha PadhukA Sahasram. Approximately, one tenth of the PaadhukA Sahasram reverberates with thejoyous Naadham of the Lord's mobile PadhukAs . Swamy Desikan's poetic imagination finds a fertileground in this Paddhathi. Slokam 381: (1) Sri UtthamUr Sawmy `s anubhavam: Oh RanganAtha PaadhukE ! When I hear Your melodious sound, I conclude that it is generated by the vigorous rubbing together of the VedAs , which serve as Your jewelery. During their efforts to compete with each other to praise You , they seem to generate the notes that form the melody associated with Your movement. (Lord RanganAthA's PaadhukAs have many gems as decorative objects . Swamy equates them to the branches of the four VedAs ). (2) Srimath Andavan's anubhavam: The toe-holds ( KumizhkaL) of the dhivya Padhukais have diamonds inside. When the Paadhukais move during the journey of the Lord , then these diamonds jostle with each other and produce a sweet sound. That sound is like the rubbing of the Vedams , the adorning jewelery of the PaadhukAs and the resulting powder generated by such an action. (3) Vedams are equated here to the jewelery decorating the paadhukaa toe-holds. They collide with each other during the sanchAram and generate the notes ,which are like the dust specks produced from their collision ( tE sinjitham BhUshaNAnAm SruthinAm miTa: sangarsha sanjAtham kimapi raja: ). When some thing defies description , Swamy Desikan uses the word " Kimapi" in utter wonderment Â…(V.S) -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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