Excellence of SrI PAncharAthra Agama - The "Bhagavath-SAstra"

From the Bhakti List Archives

• May 9, 2001

Dear Members,

I have written an detailed article titled 'Excellence of SrI PAncharAthra
Agama - The "Bhagavath-SAstra" '; The MS Word document of the same can be
read by clicking the following link:

"pancharAthrasya kruthsnasya vakthA nArAyaNa: swayam" 

SrI PAncharAthra Agama is authored by SrIman NArAyaNa:. Its name "Bhagavath
SAstra" denotes this aspect. It is therefore "powrushEya" scripture. It is a
SrI VaishNava Agama SAstra. It has several books named Samhitas. Of these
Samhitas, the SAthvatha Samhita, Powshkara Samhita and JayAkya Samhitha are
considered very sacred as they are directly reveled by SrIman NArAyaNa:. The
essence of VEda has been lively presented concisely in the texts of this
Agama. Its validity as pramANa (source of knowledge) is questioned from
various angles and various serious doubts are raised in this context. Many
pUrva-pakshams (opponent views) in the same context are critically analyzed
and they are refuted using pramANam and pramANAnuguNa tarkam. Apart from the
points present in the SrI BhAshyam (Bhagavath RAmAnuja YatirAja swAmi) in this
context, wonderful arguments and counter-arguments from Bhagavath SAstra
virOdha bhangAdhikAram in Para-matha-bhanga-grantam (SrIman NigamAntha mahA
DESika swAmi) are presented in this article. Although Aagama-prAmANyam of
Bhagavath YAmunAchArya and SrI PancharAthra Raksha of SwAmi DESika are not
referred in this article, the points from Para-matha-bhanga-grantam cover even
such complicated points in an easier manner. Further, the preeminent
commentary titled "anapAya-prabhA" on para-matha-bhanga-grantham by SrImath
U.Ve vidwAn UththamUr tirumalai nallAn chakravarthy abhinava dESika
VirarAghavAchArya swAmy is comprehensively referred in this article as far as
the Bhagavath SAstra virOdha bhangAdhikAram is concerned. With an outline of
the SArIraka-SAstra's structure and uthpathyasambhavAdhikaraNam's sketch,
which follows this prelude, the article proceeds to explain the excellence of
SrI PAncharAthra Agama - The "Bhagavath-SAstra" in a very detailed manner.

I request people interested in this subject to read this article; 
Comments/critiques/questions are welcome (mshari@usa.net)

Thanks & Regards
M.S.HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari@usa.net)

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