From the Bhakti List Archives

• March 29, 1997

Dear Members of the Prapatthi Group :

I will be away on a business trip for 4 days .
When I return to the home base I will continue with 
RPS and YRV . The remaining 8  verses of YRV can be covered 
in one or two postings .

The remaining 18 paddhathis of RPS have 528 Slokams 
between them. I will select specific slokams as I go along to
complete this Kaimkaryam . Focus on each and every one of 
the slokams as in the case of Naadha Paddhathi will take 
many days to complete this kaimkaryam . 

The next few paddhathis are : Rathna SaamAnya Paddhathi(15 ) ;
Bahurathna Paddhathi(16) ; Padmaragha Paddhathi (17) ;
MukthA paddhathi (18); Marathaga Paddhathi (19) ; 
Indra Neela Paddhathi (20) ; Bhimbha Prathibimbha Paddhathi ( 21);
Kaanchana Paddhathi (22) ; Sesha Paddhathi (23) ;
Dvandhva Paddhathi (24) ; Samnivesa Paddhathi (25) ; Yanthrika , 
RekhA ,SubashithA ,Prakeerna , Chitra , Nirvedha and Pala paddhathis.

I Look forward to studying them and sharing thought s on them 
in the spring of this year .

Best Wishes ,