Re: Nama Samvatsaram in U.S
From the Bhakti List Archives
Vaidya Sundaram • Wed Jun 30 1999 - 11:18:11 PDT
namaskAram. I hope list members will correct me if I am wrong in this. I have heard from scholars in Kashi that it is only Kashi that has its calendar ahead of the rest of the world by 12 years; also, Kashi is actually NOT part of the earth. It is believed that Kashi is separated from the rest of the earth by a distance of the tip of a grain of rice. In fact this is also a very important part of the story of King Harishchandra going to Kashi. As for the calendar we follow in the US, simply following the days/dates in the panchangam followed in India is insufficient. An attempt has been made to bring out the panchangam with the latitudes/longitudes of the US by the Sri Maha Vallabha Ganapathi Devasthanam temple in New York ( The "ganita panchangam" as they refer to it may be obtained from them. om namo bhagavate vAsudevAya Vaidya. ----- Original Message ----- From: T R GovindarajanTo: Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 1:43 PM Subject: Nama Samvatsaram in U.S > To the south of Vindya Mountains, the year is Pramadhi. To the north, > the year is 12 years ahead (Nandana). In US, we go with the name Pramadhi. > Do we follow this because most of us from Southern part of the country (India)? > If the year is not Pramadhi, as US is to the west of Vindya Mountain, what is > the name? > > Does anyone know? > > Govindarajan.
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