thoo nilA muRRam - part 33 - Sri hEma maha rishi Vaibavam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sampath Rengarajan • Sun Jun 13 1999 - 18:19:40 PDT
thoo nilA muRRam - part 33 - Sri hEma maha rishi Vaibavam Dear bAgawathAs, Prior to narrating the Vaibavam of Sri ArA amuthan to thiru kudanthai from Sri praNavAkAra vimAnam and Sri RanganAthar, the premises that was part of the main reason for this to happen is explained here. Long ago, Sri Brigu rishi set out on a mission of para dEvathA nirthAnaram. After meeting BrhamA, and Shiva he went to meet with Sriman nArAyanA. It is said that he kicked the Lord in HIS holy chest to see the temperament of the Lord. Instead of getting angry with him, the Lord made him feel comfortable and was massaging the very leg that kicked him saying that "you must have hurt yout legs by hitting my thiru mArbu, I would want you to feel comfortable in your legs". Sri Brigu rishi, not only realized that Sriman nArAyan who had this sAntha swaroopam is the paradEvathA and as well that it is great sin of unthinkable proportions to have kicked the thiru mArbu of Sriman nArAyaNA. In order to get relief from this sin, he incarnated as Sri guha AzhwAr in his next birth and served the Lord. After Sri RamA avahtAram, he incarnated as Sri hEma maharishi and was doing a very severe thapas in mEru malai for several years. Sriman nArAyanA appeared asked Sri hEma rishi to seek or his wishes. Sri hEma maharishi pleaded, "Oh Lord your prANa vallabhai Sri mAhA lakshmi may become my daughter and I would request you to bless me the opportunity to do the kaNNigA dhAnam to you in marriage of yourself and Sri mahA Lakshmi. I seek your blessings to relieve me from all my sins and finally grant me mOksham". The Lord replied to him, "Rishivar, So be it. Let me tell you the upAyam for all these to happen. You must get down and leave this mountain. You must goto all the puNNiya kshEthrams such as kAsi where gangai is very prominent and visit many divya dEsams enroute and finally arrive at the banks of the kAuveri in which Sri BrahmA has done many yAgAs in the past several kalpAs. In that place there is a puNNya pushkarani. There is a swarna lotus flower along with several other lotus flowers. There is a lotus flower with 1000 petals and SrimahALakshmi in the name of Sri kOmaLa valli is seated in the centre as similar to a golden branch. SHE is doing a severe penance, seeking my darshan and union with me as well. You may reach there and assume HER as your daughter and if you also do a penance there along with HER, all your wishes will get fulfilled". Sri hEma mahrishi immediately followed the ANGYA of the Lord and reached the kumbakOna mahA kshEthram and had the darshan of Sri kOmaLa valli thAyAr and adopted her as his daughter and was extremely happy. He then stayed there and used to take a dip in the holy poRRAmaRai pushkaraNi. He will then sit under the pArijAtha tree on the northern banks of the pushkaraNi and used to look forward to the arrival of the Lord everyday as he was also doing prayers and thapas there. Sri kOmaLa vaLLi thAyAr samEtha Sri ArA amudhan thiruvadikaLE saraNam Sampath Rengarajan ******************************************************************* ----------------------- Where to Send Donations ----------------------- INDIA: Members of the group in India, Europe, Bahrain, Kuwait and Rest of the Middle East, and elsewhere in boolOgam may send their donations to: Cheques are payable to "The Secretary and Treasurer", mail to : Tiruppani committee", Sri L.Rajagopalan, MABT, Retd Pricipal, (Committee member) 12, Besant Road, KUMBAKONAM 612 001 UNITED STATES & CANADA: Checks should be made payable to "SMSA, Inc" Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi c/o Sri Rajaji 2612, Regatta Drive Plano, TX 75093 Please write "Sarnga Pani kainkaryam" on the cheque. All donations are elegible for tax deductible in their respective countries where applicable ****************************************************************** _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
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