Experiencing Swami Desika - 9
From the Bhakti List Archives
Praveena • Mon Jun 14 1999 - 06:40:21 PDT
SrI: Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha: Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha: Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha: Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha: Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha: Swami Desika now salutes to Goddess Lakshmi who is the next in our Guruparampara. Sahadharmacarim saureh Sammantrita jagadd-hitam! Anugrahamayim vande Nithyam ajnatanigraham!! Swami Desika prostrates at the lotus feet of Goddess Mahalakshmi the inseparable consort of Lord Vishnu. She is an embodiment of mercy. She does not know to punish any one. She converses with the Lord for the well being of the whole world. When the lord wants to establish Dharma like protecting his devotees she accompanies him to ensure the proper execution of the same. The Divine couple is inseparable. They are not separated even when they manifest as avatar's. This is explained in the Vishnu Puranam thus: Raghavatway-abavat Sita, Rukmini Krishna janmani ! Anyeshu chavatareshu Visho-resha-yanapayinee !! Devatvey Deva-deheyam, Manushyatvey cha manushee ! Vishnor dehanu-roopam vai karoth yesha-yatmani tanum!! -- Vishnu Purana, 1 -9-144&145 Goddess Lakshmi is forever united with the Lord Vishnu. So, when our Lord becomes Rama, Sri becomes Sita, when He is Krishna, she is Rukmini. Not just this, even when the Lord takes the form of a Deva, or for that matter a human being, Goddess Lakshmi also takes a suitable form of a Devi or a human being. Goddess Lakshmi thus adjusts herself according to the embodiments of Lord Vishnu. This is reflected by Nammalwar in Thiruvaimozhi (6.10.10): ahalahillen iraiyumenru alarmel mangai urai maarba Goddess Alarmel mangai sits on the chest of our Lord Srinivasa because she cannot bear to be without our Lord even for a fraction of a second! In our tradition the word "Sri" points to the exclusive position of our mother She is --- our Lords consort the mother of the entire universe mediatrix between God and the humanity and of course an Acharya in our tradition! Sri stands for Srunaati; Sriiyate; Srunoti; Sraavayati; Sriinaati; meaning she removes all sins, is resorted to by all for ever, hears the petitions, makes the lord hear (the petitions) nourishes the world by her virtues, Our mother, the mother of the whole world - Akhila jaganmata, does not know to punish any one. What can we speak of our Thayar's innumerable auspicious qualities? She is an ocean of mercy. She is an embodiment of Karuna. She has a kind heart even for the evil ones. When Goddess Lakshmi manifested as Sita, and was in Lanka, the rakshashi's harassed her. The repeated torture from the rakshashi's did not provoke our mother. She could have reduced them to ashes, with out any efforts . In addition to resisting herself from punishing them, our eternal amma full of daya, pleaded Anjeneya on their behalf when he wanted to kill them, and thus saved them. Goddess Sita by way of pointing out to Shri Anjaneya, teaches us the importance of mercy and magnanimity in forgiving the erring individuals. ...To be continued! dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi 14th Jun 1999
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