Re: AchArya RaamAnujA CD ROM Contents: Part IV
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Mon Jun 14 1999 - 10:21:48 PDT
Dear Sri Mani Varadarajan : No, the CD ROM section on Bahgavadh Gita does not refer directly to Prapatthi as distinct from Bhakthi Yoga. This is a age old controversy (i-e) whether AchArya RaamAnujA did refer to Prapatthi anywhere in his direct works as opposed to Bhakthi Yogam . I will address the subject ot the best of my ability and request others to join in . V.Sadagopan After having answered your questie)n , I will address this question which has been At 09:55 AM 6/14/99 -0700, you wrote: >Sri Sadagopan wrote: >> 2.5 : Sri GitA BhAshyam >> >> This grantham is a detailed account of the brief work >> of AlavandhAr on Sri Bhagavath GItA revered as >> GitArtha Sangraham . The prapatthi doctrine is >> incorporated in the commentary on the Charama SlOkam >> of GitA by AchArya RaamAnujA. > >Does the CD-ROM say that Ramanuja writes about prapatti >in the Gitabhashya? In fact, Ramanuja nowhere discusses >prapatti as distinct from bhakti-yoga in the Gitabhashya, >not even in his comments on the carama sloka (18.66), >despite offering two separate ways of understanding this >verse. > >Mani > >
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