AchaArya RaamAnujA CD ROM Contents Summary : Part III

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sat Jun 12 1999 - 11:15:48 PDT

Dear BhakthAs :

AdiyEn has covered sofar the following three
sub items of section 1 this CD ROM :

1.1: Incarnation 
1.2: RaamAnujA's Formative Years 
1.3: RaamAnujA's spiritual Quest:
Yesterday , adiyEn stopped at the stage of Sri RaamAnujA 
meeting Periya Nampi at MadhurAnthakam and proceeding to
Srirangam to acquire additional Gurus under the guidance 
of Periya Nampi.Today , we will continue with a description of 
the CD ROM contents elaborating his life at three important
sthalams dear to Sriman NaarAyaNA ( Srirangam , Thirumalai
and ThirunArAyaNapuram ).
1.4: RaamAnujA at Srirangam
The graphics of PraNavAkruthi VimAnam and
the subhAsrayam o para VaasudEvan at the sacred
VimAnam of Srirangam comes first into focus.
The crowded street scene of Srirangam ,
where Sri RaamAnujA has settled down now 
away from Kanchipuram follows next.

Next comes the most moving picture of 
AchArya RaamAnujA with anjali hastham and
thridhandam presenting himself before 
Sri RanganathA for worship .That graphics alone 
brought tears to adiyEn'seyes. AchArya RaamAnujA's
kalakshEpa GhOshti at Srirangam is covered next. 
1.5: RaamAnujA at Thirumalai

Sri RaamAnujA's arrival at the foot of Thirumalai hills
for climbing the seven hills , his kaimkaryam to establish
once and for all the VishNu roopam of the Lord 
of Thirumalai , deliverey of his first lecture in front of 
the Lord of Thiruppathi and the Lord's anugraham that 
helped to create the First of the nine granthams of
our revered AchAryan (viz)., VedArtha sangraham 
are covered brilliantly in this section by the multimedia
artists of Bangalore/Mysore.

1.6: RaamAnujA at ThirunArAyaNapuram

There are some wonderful graphics here dealing with
the twelve years that AchArya RaamAnuja Spent at Melkote
in the company of ThirunArAyaNan and Yadhugiri ThAyAr.
The conversion of the local King , VishNu Vardhanan 
into Sri SampradhAyam , entrance from ThondanUr 
into Melkote by the southern gate, the blessing 
of the ThirukkulatthAR there , the fulfilment of 
the command of BhagavAn to release Him from the ant hill,
where He had entered , the help of the KshEthra Vaasis in
the building of a special temple for ThirunArAyaNan 
under the holy guidance of AchArya RaamAnujA 
are covered here in a splendid manner . The slOkams are 
sung in ranjaka rakthi raagams like SaamA and Surutti .
The darsanam of ThirunArAyaNan is eye filling and 
the experience is insatiable as he presents Himself 
to us with Mallikai flower garland adorning His KirItam 
as Sriman NaarAyaNan .

Section 2 : the Nine Granthams

Sub section 2 focussing on the nine granthams
bequeathed to us by AchArya RaamAnujA as our
Kula Dhanam is covered next.This is a weighty 
section with many treasures for the eye and the ear. 

The two auxillary sections dealing with the Philosophical 
significance of each of the granthams and the "tell m more " 
section dealing with the original excerpts from the granthams
recited by authentic scholars , who know these works
as kanta Paatam are exemplary sections . Rare indeed is to
hear these spiritually uplifting recitations .The taniyans 
and/or the mangala SlOkams for each of these nine granthams
are sung by very competent Karnatic music vidvAns 
in the most enjoyable Raagas like SahAnA , Naattai, 
SankarAbharaNam ,Vaachaspathi and Aanandha Bhairavi . 

The graphics associated with each of the grantham
sections are an amalgam of taste (asthetics) , Bhagavath
and AchArya bhakthi. These are a class by themselves 
to enhance our devotion to the great AchAryan and 
his nine sacred granthams listed below :

1.VedArtha sangraham 
2.VedAntha Saaram
3.Sri BhAshyam
4.VedAntha Dheepam
5.Sri GitA BhAshyam
6.SaraNAgathi Gadhyam
7.Sriranga gadhyam
8.Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam
9.Nithya grantham 

AdiyEn will cover this section in a subsequent 
posting .
Daasan , V.Sadagopan 

P.S : Those who wish to contribute to the acquistion
of the macromedia Director Software license for releasing
this CD ROM and other two CD ROMs in planning ( AzhwArs
CD ROM and the 108 Divya Desams CD ROM ) are kindly requested
to forward any sum that they wish to contribute to 
Sriman Dileepan at 1908 Presswood Drive, Hixson, TN 37343
and copy me. We have received so far $151 towards the target
of $750 to acquire this license . Your support is most
welcome to assemble the remaining 599 Dollars . Your
contributions are 100% Tax Deductible .