RE:Azhwar Thirunagari-Nammazhwar Utsavam
From the Bhakti List Archives
Venkat Iyengar S. • Sat Jun 12 1999 - 05:34:48 PDT
I had a chance meeting with a bhagavathal who was returning after attending the Nammazhwar utsavam celebrations at Azhwarthirunagari.I would just like to mention a few highlights which i heard from him. the major highlights were as follows 1.Presentation of 21 "kodai's" by TTD 2.Presentation of vasthram to all the nava thirupathi emperuman's 3.A vahanam for the azhwar(Nammazhwar) was gifted by Sri Vanamamalai Ramanuja jeeyar The utsavam was well attended and a large number of devotees from North India also attended the utsavam adiyen S.venkat.Iyengar -------------- BEGIN bhakti.v003.n367 --------------u From: "B. Narasimhan"Subject: Invitation for 51st Birth centenary of Swami NammAzhwar at Azhwar Tirunagari Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 17:11:57 -0700 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Dear Devotees, We have pleasure in announcing through thismail about the ensuing grand celebrations at Alwarthirunagari, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu by this month end. We append below about the details of the function : Sri Srimathe Ramanujaya Namaha. 51st Centenary Celebrations of Swami Nammalwar Vaikasi 13, 14,15 - May 27th, 28th and 29th. Alwarthirunagari Is there a day equal to Vaikasi Visakam? Is there any one equal to Satakopan? Is there an equal to Thiruvoimozhi?and Is there a Kshetra equal to Thirukkurukur on the Earth? Swamy Nammalwar was born as the son of Kari in Alwarthirunagari at the beginning of Kali Yuga. Right from the day of birth he was immersed in Bhagavath Guna Anusandhana under the famous Tamarind tree (Adisesha himself) at Alwarthirunagari. Known as the Head of Alwars, he translated the four vedas into Tamil which are well known as 'Thiruvirutham',Thiruvasiriam', 'Periya Thjiruvanthathi' and 'Thiruvoimozhi'. He performed Saranagathi asthe Lotus feet of Lord Srinivasa of the 7 Hills and pleaded eternal Kainkarya, which was awarded to him by Sriman Narayana. Then he was adorned in a temple by Mathurakavi Alwar. A festival for ten days is celebrated every year ending with'Thirumanjanam' and 'Theertha vari' on Vaikasi Visakam day. This year, Vaikasi Visakam is of great significance because it happens to be the 51st centenary . To celebrate the grand occasion, a three-day celebration is planned for May 27th, 28th and 29th. The Jeeyars who have kindly consented to grance the occasion are : Sri U.Ve. Paramahamsethyadi Vanamalai Kailyan Ramanjuja Jeeyar Swami Thirukkurungudi Ramanuja Jeeyar Swami Thiruthandi Sriman Narayana Jeeyar Swami Emperumanar Jeeyar Swami, Alwarthirunagari Thirukkovilu Emperumanar Jeeyar Swami Sriperumbudur Embar Jeeyar Swami The Upanyasakas who have consented to come are : Sri U.Ve.Elayavalli Bhuvarahachariar Swami Sri U.Ve.SrirangamNarasimhachariar Swami Sri U.Ve.Srivilliputhur Kannan Swami Sri U.Ve.Sthalasayanathuraivar Swami Sri U.Ve.Anantha Narasimhachariar Swami Sri U.Ve.Gomatam Sampath Kumarachariar Swami Sri U.Ve.K.A.Manavala IyengarSwami Sri U.Ve.Chitrakootam A.V.Rangachariar Swami Prof. M.Varadharajan Swami Sri U.Ve. K.B.Devarajan Swami Sri U.Ve.Velukkudi Krishnan Swami Sri U.Ve.Sri Vaishnava Sri Krishnamachariar swami Thamil Kadal Gopala Iyer Prof. D.Gnanasundaram The following programs are also planned: * Tamil scholars meet to discuss about 'Alwards contribution to Tamil' * Novel Dance drama on the life and deeds of Nammalvar * Divya Prbhanda/veda parayana goshti * A grand procession of Nammalwar's Srisukthis * Thadheeyaradhana for about 1500 people for 3 days All are requested to participate in the celebrations on all the three days and get blesse-
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