Araa amudhan kaimkaryam

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Jun 07 1999 - 20:47:49 PDT


Srimathe Ramanujaya Namah:

Dearest Sisters and Brothers,

What a heavy downpour of honey from Sri Sampath Rengi! Before I finish even 
glancing at the first post of his, admiring the amubhavam of his, There is 
another one from him. We are simply amazed by his indefatigable efforts in 
his appeals and
excellent posts..

It is adiyEn's intent to add to his wealth of posts (like the small 
squirrel's in Sethu bhandhanam)

1. ThiruppANAzhwAr said "neela mEni aiyO! nirai koNdadhu en nenjinaiyE!" The 
blue hued ThirumEni of Sri Ranganathan simply filled his heart entirely to 
te fullest says Nam PaaNar..

2. Aranganaikk kaNda kaNgaL maRRonRnaik KaaNaavE.." The eyes, having seen 
Lord Ranganathan will never see anything else.. again Nam PaaNar..

3. Icchuvai thavira yaan pOy indra lOkam aaLum acchuvai vEndEn arangamaa 
says ThoNdaradippodiAzhwAr.. Given a chance to rule ruling Indra lOkam, I 
donot want even that..
I want only this taste of having the Peraanandham of seeing Lord Rangnathan.

4. Udal enakku urugumaalO! en seigEn ulagattheerE! My body is melting 
(looking at the bueaty of Ranganathan.. What shall I do! Oh folks of the 

5. AayanE AranganE! enrazhaikkinREn! PEyanaay ozhindhEn epiraanukkE! - says 
KulasEkara PerumAL..

Having said all that, read them again...

You may notice that the taste - the Nectar- the beauty, the Anandham- the 
ecstasy of AzhwArs', is all experienced by AzhwArs to the fullest extent... 
They have really tasted the Beauty of Sri Ranganathan...

BUT OUR LORD OF THIRUKKUDANTAHI... None can get satisfied.. adiyEn aaviyai 
aarap paruga enakku aaraa amudhan anaayE! You have become insatiable nectar 
to me" says

Even in Thiruvaaymozhi, 10.10. When AzhwAr declares his final jouney to 
he says( in 6th pAsuram):

"enakku aaraavamudhaay enadhaaviyai innuyirai/
manakku aaraamaimanni uNdittaay ini uNdozhiyaay/
punakkaayaa niRaththa pundareekakkaN senganivaay/
unakkERkum kOla malarppaavaikku anbaa!!en anbEyO!/

My Love! You enjoyed this “dirty” body of mine and my sweet AthmA, to the 
fullest  extent of your heartÂ’s satisfaction. (Aaraa amdhaay); Now You 
should enjoy the remains too.

With Araa amudhan, Like AzhwArs, we too never get satisfied. Not only
in enjoying Him, not only in reading Sri Sampath Rengi's rich posts,
but also in contributing to the kaimkaryam for Araa amduhan..we NEVER
GET SATISFIED... If you have already sent once, take a second one.. He is 
insatiable... Go ahead..

Show your thirst and ask for more and more... BY CONTRIBUTING..

NammAzhwAr says "Araa amduhaa! unakku aatpaattum adiyEn innum uzhalvEnO?"

Oh lord Araa amudhaa! Even after being enslaved by You, should I still
be suffering here? (Araa amudhan asks us "Who says "suffering"? It is
your fortune that you are blessed to earn few dollars more and out of that 
meagre amount, it is again your fortune that your are blessed to perform 
little kaimkaryam towards Me... That alone - small effort of yours is okay 
for Me and PiraaTTi to be pleased.. You and Your family will be blessed with 
Our Kataaksham fully for ever and be given an opportunity to do Prapatthi.. 
Nithyasooris are envious of you all for their inability to perform such a 

Only This PerumAL of Thirukkudanthai is called Araa amudha AzhwAr
because 1. He is instrumental for Nathamuni's listening to 5.8 Thiruvaymozhi 
and then getting all 4000... and 2. He is the One who heard Thirumazhisai 
AzhwAr's request asking Him to get up "Nadantha kaalgaL nondhavO?...pEsu 
Azhi KesanE!" and started getting up... (there is a ten degree rise of this 
reclining Lord showing His getting up even today!)and hence, 
ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr is called "Thirumazhisai Piraan!!

SO, ... Bottomline: By contributing to Kudanthai Kidantha en KO, we are not 
just contributing for the Lord also for AzhwArs, AchAryAs.. and Sri 
vaishnavas... He is the link for Naalaayiram.. link for Nathamuni's coming 
to limelight in AchArya Parampara.. and He is Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan 
who is there at Paramapadham..


Narayana Narayana

Narayana dAsan Madhavakkannan

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