Experiencing Swami Desika
From the Bhakti List Archives
Praveena • Mon Jun 07 1999 - 15:16:46 PDT
SrI: Shrimate Shri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha: Shrimate Shri Seetha Ramachandra Parabrahmane Namaha: Shrimate Shri Ramanujaya Namaha: Shrimate Nigamantha Maha Desikaya Namaha: Shrimate Shrivan Satagopa Shri Narayana Yateendra Mahadesikaya Namaha: It was a divine command through Shri Madhavakannan that Adiyal should post notes of Shri Nigamantha Maha Desikar's works to commemorate this year's [1999] Thiru Nakshathram of Swami Vedanta Desikar. The idea is that we start our day - for the next 108 days - with reading a note on our greatest Acharya. We are starting on a countdown mode. It is exactly 108 days for Shri Vedanta Desikar's Thiru Nakshathram and Adiyal shall post 108 notes on Swami starting today. Adiyal believes this is a divine command that shall make this effort see fruit. Before going ahead, a brief note on Shri Vedanta Desikar. Swami Desikan is the outstanding sishya of Bhagavad Ramanuja. He is a conglomeration of all virtues and no vices besides being a philosopher and a poet. Above all, he is an ardent devotee of Sriya Pathi. He had absolute mastery of arts and all his works reflect deep understanding and great knowledge. Lord Sri Ranganatha was so pleased with Swami Desikar's knowledge, his teachings and works that the Lord conferred the title 'Vedantacharya' and what more, Lord's consort Mahalakshmi conferred the title 'Sarva Tantra Svatantra'. Swami Desikar's immense knowledge helped establish Vedanta in firm basis. He propounded our sampradaya in no uncertain terms and defeated other doctrines with ease. Swami Desikar established the greatness of Shri Ramanuja's philosophy, thus: 'Yathipathi matham sarvathastapayithva' Swami Desikar translated his abundant knowledge in to innumerable works and also wrote commentaries on the works of our great masters. His works are the greatest treasure for millions of generations and we can easily refer him as the greatest 'Vallal'. There was one Appayya Dikshitar - who on his own merit was a great Advaitan and a critic. On reading the works of Swami, and immersing in its charm and Swami's reasoning, Appayya Dikshitar conferred the title 'Kavi Tarkika Simha' - the Lion among poets - on Swami. Appayya Dikshitar praised him as follows: Itham Vichintyas Sarvatra Bhaavaah Santhi Padhe Padhe | Kavi Taarkika Simhasya Kavyeshu Lalitheswapi || Appayya Dikshitar was moved by the poetic excellence of SwamiDesikar. He experienced Kavitarkika Simham's excellence, even in a soft and simple composition. Swami went on to work more and more and in an attempt to bring out the truths expounded in Upanishads, Gita and Brahma Sutras, Swami Desikar wrote independent works like Nyaya Siddhanjanam, Tattva Mukta Kalapa and Nyaya parishuddhi. Even for Swami Desikan, there were many who held different Views, in those days. Shri Bharadwaja Srinivasacharya had been holding different and rather opposite views compared that to Swami. Shri Bharadwaja Srinivasacharya had not even visited or met Swami but still carried on his different opinions that dangerously trekked on creating aparacharams to Swami. Later, Shri Bharadwaja Srinivasacharya happened to read Nyaya Parishuddhi. This grantham made him realise the greatness of Swami Desikar. Thus wrote Shri Bharadwaja Srinivasacharya: Yethat samayan aham Vimatya Mathi Bhedam Vivasha prapattyamana: Swam Avanchayam Anja sadhya deivath Nigamantharya Nibhanthathaprabuttaha!! In the above he confesses that he had a prejudice on Swami based on listening to others and felt bad that he did apacharam to Swami Desikan. He went on to add, that it is naïve to think that he can do apacharam to Swami - as any apacharam aimed at Swami is actually aparacharam on himself. He expressed relief that his life did not end with that Dosham to Swami. This brief introduction on Swami, completes the posting for Day One. Shall see you tomorrow. Shri Ranganayaki Sametha Shri Ranganathan Parabrahmane Namaha: dEsikan tiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Praveena nAmni Ramanuja dasi
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