thoo nilA muRRam - part 108A - pArum parugum El kumbuth thEnin koodu

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Jun 03 1999 - 20:29:02 PDT

thoo nilA muRRam - part 108A - pArum parugum El kumbuth thEnin koodu

Dear bAgawathAs,

	I submit one of this thought at the feet of Sri ArA amuthan.

	 iNai aRRa vAnum mannum inaitthAn
         thunAi uRRa ponnum minnum panaithEn
         yArum urugumil amuthAnin eedu
         pArum parugamEl kombutthEn koodu

Meaning: ????

	Everyone is aware of why a vasthram on the Lord is special.
eg., the incarnation of Sri kanthAdfai swamigaL. Sometimes  My ArA  amuthan 
is not having *enough* vasthrams even . We  buy a  pair of casual wear for 
us  or  for  our  family members  for $20 whenever there is change is  size 
or season. Can we offer this $20  atleast  once  in  our  many  lives to our 
Lord for a vasthram? ie.,   once
when one's AthmA changes its  vasthram  many  times ?  It is  said  many  
puNNiya AthmAs come and  reside  in perumAL's vasthram.

	The vasantha mandapam in which many of these  ursavams  are
conducted is in a very bad shape. Construction plans are on. We  do
many  services  for  our own health (body) and as well as our house
and cars, vans. It may cost us each visit ranging from $25 to $100.
A pledge of $25 can help bring some bricks and  $50  can  help  pay
those masons and $108 will help raising a full pillar or  laying  a
stepping stone.

	We do have our favourite projects for our houses and others.
We spend 1000's on vacations sometime. A $501 or $1008  will help a
complete sEvai or ursavam to take place. Is this not a worthier act
for this janmA ? please think and act decisively . Many  have  come
forward with contributions  ranging from $10 to $1250. We have  not
even reached half of our target. We know that there are 300 members
in this  group.  Even if each  one gives $30 we will  somewhat  try
our target. We know many are well settled, while some are  students
and  some  are  from  India. I  am  very happy to tell you that the
response  from  Indiavin iniyargaL,  singapuri  seelargaL  and Arbu
nAttu adiyArgaL  are  really  overwhelming.  Some  of  us living in
abroad  have  an advantage of the conversion rate of Rs 42 plus for
a dollar.Even a gas fill for our car  is  around  that  $10 amount.
If  you cannot  make a big contribution it is ok. But i am sure  if
each one of you want to make a moderate contribution it will all be
substantial to the target. If such is  not possible,  even  a  very
small one that is equivalent to a gas fill ie $10., will  all  add.
SiRu thuLi peRu  veLLam.  ie many droplets of water adds to  become
a huge flood. If many such small  amounts  add,  it  is  many  more
dollars.  Please open your  hearts   for  Sri  ArA amuthan and  Sri
kOmaLa valli thAyAr and pour in genorously.  One  will get  all the
puNNiya palans of  doing  this  once  in many lives kainkaryam.  An
opportunity like this is given by Lord Sri ArA amuthan once in many
decades, sometime centuries when an special  AbaraNam  such  as Sri
sudrsana kavacham is being offered to  the  Lord. Sri Sudarshanan's
hub rests in thiru kudanthai at Sri ArA  amuthan's  holy  feet. Sri
Sudarshana AzwAr is also treated as Sri Amuthan's brother  here  in
all  ursavams.  Sri  thirumazhisai   AzhwAr  surrendered to Sri ArA amuthan 
and his brindAvan is also there  at  the  side  of the holy feet of Sri 
Amuthan. appEpatta sudarshanin kavacham is one  of  the
kainkaryam that is being offered this time along with many otherts.
ie, Sri Sudarshana AzhwAr is connected to this perumAL so much than
any other perumAL. Won't  you  want  to  lie  your  Athma  in  this kavacham 
(mAnaseekamAga) by  joining  this kainkaryam ?

Sri  kOmaLa  vaLLi  thAyAr  samEtha  Sri ArA amudhan  thiruvadikaLE
Sampath Rengarajan

note:  These  last  parts  are  presented  in  advance to appeal to
everyone  in advance.  Sit back and read the  rest of the series as well.

Where to Send Donations


    Members of the group in India, Europe, Bahrain, Kuwait and Rest
of  the  Middle  East, and  elsewhere  in  boolOgam may  send their
donations to:

    Cheques are payable to
    "The Secretary and Treasurer",

mail to :
    Tiruppani committee",
    Sri L.Rajagopalan, MABT,
    Retd Pricipal,
    (Committee member)
    12, Besant Road,
    KUMBAKONAM  612 001


    Checks should be made payable to
    "SMSA, Inc"

    Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi
    c/o Sri Rajaji
    2612, Regatta Drive
    Plano, TX 75093
    Please write "Sarnga Pani kainkaryam" on the cheque.

	All  donations  are  elegible for tax  deductible in their
respective countries where applicable

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