FW: Aaraa amudhaay adiyEn aavi agamE Thitthippaay!

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Thu Jun 03 1999 - 22:17:15 PDT

Dear BhAgavatha uththama perunthagaiyeer:

I am forwarding this mail on the request of Sri Madhavakkannan

My small and insignificant contribution in India drew an immediate reply from
Sri. L. Rajagopal of Kumbakonam. I was overjoyed at the contents of the reply
envelope. Please read the mail below.


-----Original Message-----
From: Rangarajan S R 
Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 9:38 AM
To: 'Madhavakkannan V'
Subject: RE: Aaraa amudhaay adiyEn aavi agamE Thitthippaay!

It is only though people like you that I get an opportunity to attempt some good
act however insignificant. 

After I had sent a small contribution sometime back, I had mostly forgotten
about it. Yesterday, I was plesantly surprised by a letter from Sri L.

The envelope contained:
1. A beautiful colour image of uthsavar ArA amudhan with Shreedevi and
Bhoomidevi which I shall treasure for ever. (With an acknowledgement/receipt for
the contribution below.)
2. A carefully folded packet containing kunkumam
3. Thulasi leaves
4. A personally written letter from Sri L. Rajagopal appreciating my  small act
and wishing me all the best.

Thank you once again.


(PS: The reply from Sri L. Rajagopal must have been immediate. The envelop was
lying in my mail folder which I had not bothered to check. But by chance, one of
my friends retrieved all my mails yesterday for no apparent reason and placed
them on my hands!)

Where to Send Donations


    Members of the group in India, Europe, Bahrain, Kuwait and Rest
of  the  Middle  East, and  elsewhere  in  boolOgam may  send their
donations to:

    Cheques are payable to
    "The Secretary and Treasurer",

mail to :
    Tiruppani committee",
    Sri L.Rajagopalan, MABT,
    Retd Pricipal,
    (Committee member)
    12, Besant Road,
    KUMBAKONAM  612 001


    Checks should be made payable to
    "SMSA, Inc"

    Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi
    c/o Sri Rajaji
    2612, Regatta Drive
    Plano, TX 75093
    Please write "Sarnga Pani kainkaryam" on the cheque.

	All  donations  are  elegible for tax  deductible in their
respective countries where applicable