FW: Aaraa amudhaay adiyEn aavi agamE Thitthippaay!
From the Bhakti List Archives
Rangarajan S R • Thu Jun 03 1999 - 22:17:15 PDT
Dear BhAgavatha uththama perunthagaiyeer: I am forwarding this mail on the request of Sri Madhavakkannan My small and insignificant contribution in India drew an immediate reply from Sri. L. Rajagopal of Kumbakonam. I was overjoyed at the contents of the reply envelope. Please read the mail below. Adiyen Rangarajan -----Original Message----- From: Rangarajan S R Sent: Friday, June 04, 1999 9:38 AM To: 'Madhavakkannan V' Subject: RE: Aaraa amudhaay adiyEn aavi agamE Thitthippaay! It is only though people like you that I get an opportunity to attempt some good act however insignificant. After I had sent a small contribution sometime back, I had mostly forgotten about it. Yesterday, I was plesantly surprised by a letter from Sri L. Rajagopal. The envelope contained: 1. A beautiful colour image of uthsavar ArA amudhan with Shreedevi and Bhoomidevi which I shall treasure for ever. (With an acknowledgement/receipt for the contribution below.) 2. A carefully folded packet containing kunkumam 3. Thulasi leaves 4. A personally written letter from Sri L. Rajagopal appreciating my small act and wishing me all the best. Thank you once again. Adiyen S.R.Rangarajan (PS: The reply from Sri L. Rajagopal must have been immediate. The envelop was lying in my mail folder which I had not bothered to check. But by chance, one of my friends retrieved all my mails yesterday for no apparent reason and placed them on my hands!) ----------------------- Where to Send Donations ----------------------- INDIA: Members of the group in India, Europe, Bahrain, Kuwait and Rest of the Middle East, and elsewhere in boolOgam may send their donations to: Cheques are payable to "The Secretary and Treasurer", mail to : Tiruppani committee", Sri L.Rajagopalan, MABT, Retd Pricipal, (Committee member) 12, Besant Road, KUMBAKONAM 612 001 UNITED STATES & CANADA: Checks should be made payable to "SMSA, Inc" Sri Vaishnava Seva Samithi c/o Sri Rajaji 2612, Regatta Drive Plano, TX 75093 Please write "Sarnga Pani kainkaryam" on the cheque. All donations are elegible for tax deductible in their respective countries where applicable *****************************************************************
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