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From the Bhakti List Archives
Balaji Ramanujam • Wed Jun 02 1999 - 10:11:24 PDT
Dear Bhaktas,Sri Tirukkudandai Andavan is said to have travelled all over India by pAda-yAtra or foot alone. Today, Sri Gopala Mahadesika Swami of Poundarikapuram Andavam Ashramam also is said to travel only by foot, eschewing all cars as modern conveniences not allowed by sannyAsadharma. How do sannyAsis like this travel between cities? Is it that they only walk within a city by foot (like some Advaita sannyAsis), and use cars or other transportation for longdistance travelling? I would like to know the real facts here. Of course, nearly all sannyAsis these days use cars for all their travel; Sri Gopala Desika Swami may be the loneholdout. Sri Vedantha Ramanuja Mahadesikaya namaha|| Yes, this great man never even wanted to take a boat to cross the river on his Badrikashrama tour. He preferred taking the longer route across the bridge. There are stories about someone in the middle of the night approaching him and helping him find a shorter route without the boat. He spoke Tamil and his name was supposed to be "RAMANUJA" (in North India??) And he wore the PUNDRAM!! It was after crossing the river that HH Thirukundadhai Andavan realized it was some super human help and started to cry. THIS TRUE STORY HAS NOT BEEN MARKETED SO FAR. Most of them who were with him on the tour know about this. HE HAS TRAVELED A LAKH AND ODD KMS BY FOOT. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com
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