Re: Digest bhakti.v004.n001
From the Bhakti List Archives
Mohan R Sagar • Tue Jun 01 1999 - 19:45:31 PDT
Sudarsan Parthasarathy wrote: > > 2.In Devipatnam(Navabhaashanam), Sri.Rama prayed to the Navagrahas and apparently Siva Lingaas at Rameswaram(since our Dhanuskodi > Perumaal is now in Pammal). These worship are not in the Mental plane (like previously discussed Dhyaana Mantraas, where we have > Dhyaanam of Sriman Naarayanan, and not Indra, Rudra, Sudarsan or Mani), but in the Physical plane, which we are specifically > encouraged as Sri Vaishnavites, not to practice. In fact there are many other instances found not only in Srimad Raamayanam, but also > in Mahaa Bharatham. Any explanation on this topic is awaited eagerly. > > > Sudarsan Just to support the replies of Sri K M Narayanan and others based on what I have learned, there is absolutely no reference in Srimad Valmiki Ramayanam to Sri Rama doing arAdhanai to Siva, or any other anya dEvatha. In fact, there is very little reference to Sri Rama having done any pooja or arAdhanai at all. However, Sri Adikavi Valmiki repeatedly points out that Sri Rama strictly adhered to the performance of sandhyavandanam as dictated by sAstra, perhaps as an indication to all of us about the importance of adhering to this. There is only one incident which serves as exception. It takes place in the Ayodha khAndam, the day before Sri Rama's original coronation day. Following the instruction of His father, Sri Rama goes to the family temple along with Sita Piratti to perform arAdhanai to Sriman Narayana and meditate and fast until dawn. Sri Valmiki makes a clear and direct statemement that the Deity that Sri Rama worshipped was Sriman Narayana, and no one else. I was also taught that the authors of other versions of the Ramayanam have taken what could be best described as "poetic license" in expanding upon - or at times creating completely new - incidents to enhance the mood of devotion or bring more credibility to certain popular religious sentiments. The latter is probably the case in explaining the accounts of Rama worshipping Siva at Rameswaram. While these other versions are to be respected for their devotional content, SriVaishnavas by tradition do not give equal weight to them in terms of their content or accuracy. adiyEn rAmAnuja dAsan Mohan
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