The Coming AaDip Pooram : ANDAL"s Thirunakshathram: Some assoicated thoughts
From the Bhakti List Archives
• June 28, 2000
Dear BhagavathALs: adiyEn wants to share with you some thoughts on the occasion of the coming AaDip Pooram celebrations . These thoughts arose after receiving the first volume of SribhAshya -BhAvachandrika ,the elaborate Sanskrit Commentary by Sri U.Ve.Perukkaranai MaadhabhUshi ChakravarthAchArya Swami on the magnum opus of AchArya RaamAnujA , Sri BhAshyam. The first volume covers upto the VaisvAnarAdikaraNam (1.2.33) of Sri BhAshyam and runs upto 550 pages of Udayavar's Text and commentary by Swami . It has been said that Bhagavath RaamAnujA placed the greatest emphasis on the proper and clear understanding of his Major work, Sri BhAshyam. He placed his great emphasis on the intrepretation of Sri BhAshyam in the traditional way .The underlying assumption is that the straying away from the traditional intrepretations is bound to park us in the land of blunders and make us flounder . This has been the reason why Sri Sudarana Soori gave us the traditional intrepretation of NadAthUr ammAL in the form of Srutha PrakAsikA . Swamy Desikan protected that grantham and carried it with him to Sathyamangalam during the dangerous times of the invasion of Srirangam by Muslim invaders . Great AchAryAs have treasured these traditional intrepretations of Sri BhAshyam and passed it on to the next generations faithfully . Sri P.M. ChakravathyAcchAr Swamy performed KaalakshEpam under the great 42nd Jeeyar of AhObila matam (Sri Ranga- SatakOpa Yathidhra MahaaDesikan ) and wrote down the notes and read it back for approval on correctness next day. Out of these enormous efforts spanning over six years, and from his deep scholarship of Swami in TarkA , MeemAmsA, NyAyam , Dhivya Prabhandhams and AagamAs arose this commentary . Our Swami has received the title of "Saara Saaraj~nA " from the revered HH. the 42nd Jeeyar . This title recognizes our Swami as "The commander of Quintessential Knowledge " . One can not but be astounded at the appropriatenes of this title , when one begins to read the commentary of Swamy. The modesty of Swami is recognized from his signature at the end of the introduction as "BhAgavatha Jana VidhEya:" It is wonderful to read the recent posting by Sri Anand on the celebration of release of thisd great monograph in presence of well revered Sri Vaishnavite Scholars. The title conferred by Sri SevA SwamigaL on Sri PerukkaruNai Swamy (Abhinava Sudarsana Soori )on that occasion is very appropriate . AdiyEn is thrilled to hear form my sister , who visits Swamy's residence at Desika Bhavanam often that Swamy has a 500 page manuscript on the 30 Pasurams of ThiruppAvai of our ThAyAr , Sri ANDAL . AdiyEn understands that it is a tour de force on the elaboration of the deeper meanings of ANDAL's great prabhandham . As an aside, AdiyEn also learned that my father performed Srimath Rahasya Thraya grantha KaalakshEpam under Swamy at Oppiliappan Sannidhi over a period of two months prior to his BharanyAsam under the sacred feet of HH the 44th Jeeyar. It has been prescribed that the kramam is to have KaalakshEpam of atleast one of the prasthAna Thrayam before approaching one's SadAchAryan for Prapatthi anushtAnam . Swamy Stayed at our house in Oppiliappan Sannadhi for those two months and blessed my father . ThiruppAvai is dear to all of us . This particular commentary by Swamy running to 500 pages must be the distillation of all PoorvAchAryAL's works and the special insights of Swamy himself.AdiyEn is told that this monograph has been waiting for publication for lack of funds (1.25 Lakhs rupees for 500 copies = $2,840 ) for quite some time. AdiyEn wishes to invite your attention to the rare opportunity of printing and releasing this rare book in manuscript form for all Sri VaishNavAs to enjoy the deep meanings of our ThAyAr's ThiruppAvai Paasurams and the SaraNAgathi Saasthram that She instructed us about . AdiyEn will commit half of the needed amount ($1,420) and invites others to join in supporting this Kaimkaryam as our SamarpaNam to GodhA PirAtti on the occasion of Her Thirunakshathram of Aadip Pooram . AdiyEn will match your support until we reach the $2,840 level. AdiyEn is told that the printing can be done in a week from the print-ready manuscript . Every contributor will receive one copy of the Book and their names will be recorded in a special page to acknowledge their support . BhakthAs in India can send their contributions directly to Swamy at his address : Sri U.Ve.P.M.ChakravarthyAcchAr Swamy Shri VedAntha Desika Bhavanam 27 venkatEsa AgrahAram Mylapore Chennai, India 600 004 BhakthAs from Singapore can also send their contributions through Shri MaadhavakkaNNan Swamy. AdiyEn hopes Sri MahdavakkaNNan would not mind being the focal point there. Please let me know of your support so that adiyEn can keep track of it for matching purposes. BhakthAs from USA and other parts of the world can send your support dollars to adiyEn so that the collected amounts can be transmitted to Swamy to facilitate the printing of this noble and scholarly work. Please let me know of your interest in participating in the release of the deep and traditional commentary on ThiruppAvai. Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SatakOpan P.S : AdiyEn would like to invite your attention to the many introductory articles on ANDAL's ThiruppAvai assembled in Bhakthi archives (Dec 96, Jan 97) and Sri VaishNavA home pages in the section entitled Alwars. Sri Rengarajan and Sri Mani Varadarajan have also contributed number of articles on ThiruppAvai. Please refer to them . Sri Venkat Iyengar's Home pages on SrivilliputthUr and Srimathi KalyANi KrishNamAchAri's postings on ANDAL's other Prabhandham, Sri NaacchiyAr Thirumozhi are additional source materials to reflect upon the glory of ANDAL's mahitha-prabhnadhams . ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **BELIEFNET SHOPPING** Save $20 at the Beliefnet store! Thousands of religious and spiritual gifts and products. 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