English transliterationf SrI vishNu sahasranAmam.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• July 17, 1998

Regarding the note from Mrs. GItA KaNNan for English transliterations of Sri
VishNu sahasranAmam, and supplementing SrImAn Sadagopan's response, one
other source I know of is the booklet published by The chicAgo tyAgarAja
utsavam.  This version has the standard international notations which helps
the reader pronounce the nAma-s correctly.  SrI M. Srinivasan of our bhakti
list was instrumental in producing it, and I had the privilege to edit it.
I believe the copies cost about $8.50 including postage. If anyone is
interested, feel free to contact me.

 -dAsan kr*shNamAcAryan