Sri Velukkudi Swami's Upanyasams (In Mp3 format) Available for purchase on-line.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Sun Jul 15 2001 - 17:56:27 PDT

srimathE rAmAnujAya namaha:

With the divine blessings of Purvacharyas, Acharyas and Lord Sriman Narayana, 
we bring to you Upanyasams by Sri U.Ve Velukkudi Krishnan Swami
available for purchase on-line at
(Cost is about One Dollar for One Hour of this divine nectar)

VEDIC Contact: Mukundan Pattangi, 312 310 0097

CD Details - (MP3 Player will be shipped with the Products)
If you are not comfortable with on-line payment, you can send a check
payable to: VEDICS (Click on the PayPal icon & write the item# and price)
Mail the Check to: 4330 Pine lake Drive, Naperville IL - 60564. AND send
mail to so we can follow up.
$150 : All the following CD's listed in this page: 211 Hours (19 CDs) (MP3
$15 : Srimad Bhagawad Gita (Compressed): 48 Hours (MP3 format) 
$30 : Guru Parampara Prabhavam (4 Cds): 42 Hours (MP3 format) 
$10 : Artha Panchakam (1 Cd): 7 Hours (MP3 format) 
$15 : Srimad bhagavatham (2 Cds): 15 Hours (MP3 format) 
$15 : Sri Ramayanam (2 Cds): 16 Hours (MP3 format) 
$15 : Sri Vishnu Sahasra Nama Bhashyam (2 Cds): 15 Hours (MP3 format) 
$10 : Thiruppavai Swapadesam (1 Cd): 9 Hours (MP3 format) 
$10 : Philosophy for all times - Workshop in English (1 Cd): 11 Hours (MP3
$10 : Azhwargal Vaibhavam (1 Cd): 12 Hours (MP3 format) 
$10 : Maruthi Prabhavam (1 Cd): 9 Hours (MP3 format) 
$10 : Vishnu Chiththa Vijayam/ Siva Sabhdam/ Visishtadvaita Maya (1 Cd): 8
Hours (MP3) 
$10 : Rahasyangal (18 Rahasyangal / Uzhavan / Thrayam / Sri Viashnava
Lakshanam / Guru Sishya Lakshanam / Prabhaththi Dwayam / Mangala Sasanam
(1 Cd): 11 Hours (MP3) 
$10 : Emberumanar Saranagadhi & Prahalada Varadan (Tamil) / Goda Geetha &
Nyasa Dasakam (English) (1 Cd): 7 Hours (MP3)  

We will make Sri Velukkudi Swami's US lectures available in the next few
days. (Devotees who have already paid for this, please send mail to

We are in the process of making many more items available on-line 
(Please visit to look for new updates).

azhwAr emberumAnAr jeeyAr thiruvadigalE saranam

adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan
Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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