HH Vanamamalai Jeeyar Swami, HH ChinnaJeeyar Swami, Swamigal sri MAV, sri Velukkudi Krishnan, sri Bhuvarahan, sri Anantha Narasimhachar lectures, monthly times and details.
From the Bhakti List Archives
Dan Pattangi • Sun Jul 15 2001 - 14:39:14 PDT
srimathE rAmAnujAya namaha: Please visit http://www.radioramanuja.com/lectures.htm for all the above upanyasams, monthly dates and topics. HH Vanamamalai Jeeyar Swami - 1st Saturday:10AM CST: Vaibhavamum Namum sri U.Ve VenkataKrishnan Swami - 2nd Saturday:10AM CST: Thirupallandu (Periyazhwar Vaibhavam) sri U.Ve. Velukkudi Krishnan Swami - 2nd Sunday:10AM CST: Basic Tenets of Vaishnavaism srI Bhoovaraha Swami - 3nd Saturday:10AM CST:Ashtasloki sri U.Ve. Anantha Narasimhachar Swami - 3nd Sunday:10AM CST: Sri Bhashyam HH. Srimannarayana Ramanuja Chinna Jeeyar Swami - Last Saturday: 10AM:English CST: Upanisads sri U.Ve. Velukkudi Krishnan Swami - Last Sunday: 10AM CST:Ramanuja Nootrandadi ============================================================== You can pay $10 per upanyasam OR $26 for all the upanyasams per month (or $150 for 6 months) for all the upanyasams on this bridge. =============================================================== All the upanyasams are available in casette format for $4/lecture for subscribers and $8/lecture for non-subscribers. (Shipping in US only) ============================================================== All the above helps us cover the costs of conducting the upanyasam any extra funds, if any are slotted for Annadanam in Dhivya Desams. Subscribers will also receive Vedic monthly magazine which will include a synopsis of all the lectures, and other Vedic articles. ============================================================== adiyEn rAmAnujA dAsan Mukundan Vankipuram Pattangi -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list@yahoogroups.com Archives: http://ramanuja.org/sv/bhakti/archives/ Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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