ParasuRaama avathaaram

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 3, 1996

On Jan 3,  2:30pm, Parthasarati Dileepan wrote:
> Subject: Dasavatharam

> Among the south Indian 10, I am more puzzled with
> Parasu Raamar than some of the others.  Is the concept of
> implicit obedience to father the main contribution of this
> avatharam?  Was he an avaathaaram only until his
> encounter with Sri Raamar?  This must be so as he was
> unable to defeat Bheeshmar later.  Would that not make
> him less than the other avathaarams?

Parasuramaa is also referred as "parasurama muni". Since evidences from non
satvika purannams are not accepted for a clarification in our tradition, I
donot wanna quote in detail on his on HIS "penance" referred in kanaka durga
puraanam. I see that this avatharam being referred as "muni" in many citations
(non satvic puraanaas) and also as one of the seven siranjeevi (ie existing in
this form for ever ?), is inadequately explained or analysed in our satvika
puraanaas (according to my little knowledge) .  But for a moment if one has to
assume that these references carry some meaning accepatable to our position as
Naraayana is the supreme in his original form and as well during his
avathaarams (of course not the meaning implied in the non satvic puraanaas as
subservient) , then these also brings additional "meaning" (actually one can
independantly analyse and derive meanings that are accepatable to
srivaishanavaas) and purpose for this avathaaram. I feel that Lord
parasuraamaa's penence has significant  messages for us as an additional
purpose of this avathaaram.

I happened to post an article last year on parasurama's penance seeking relief
from "maatru beda bangam".  Some other member of the group drew  reference to
ramaa's worship of shivalingam at rameswaram as a supporting argument for
possibility of a penance by an avathaaram . Though I had provided an analysis
at that time on this quote using  karma theory, I am convinced eversince that
avathaarams are not subservient to anyone and are  neither bound by karmas. Sri
Krishna Kalale explained why and I am convinced.  Since Mr. Dileepan touched on
this avathaaram and its purpose  I want to know of any  clue as to  why
parasuraama avathaaram is also referred as parusurama muni besides his "clan".

	 There are several avathaarams of Lord vishnu that took place
(including, hayagreeva) within a kalpa. But  the ten avathaarams mentioned by
Swami Desikan are popularly called dasaavathaarams and the selection and
grouping must have special significance for each  avathaaram individually first
and as a group together also. Swami desikan is considered the avathaaram of
kausthuba maNi of thiruvEnkadamudaiyaan.  His verses were expressed when Lord
hayagreeva sits in his tounge.   References to dasaavathaara sannithi quotes
that the "moorthis" appeared as suyambu and as per the "request of aazhwaar. If
the divine experiences of swami desikan and aazhwaar are respected, then  one
would never tend to include budhdha in the list. I feel that adding buddha to
this list of "selected ten" , is a later day effort to consolidate eastern
philosophies and that the resulting  effort is a not a valid theory as they
contradict each other in many ways. (We draw support from vedas for param
purusha as naraayanaa and budhdha's philosophies difer vedas).

Sampath Rengi