Couple of additional thoughts on nArasimha-vapuh.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 31, 2003

A couple of additional thoughts came to mind on this great nAma of 
bhagavAn.  I asm sharing this for those that may be interested.

In yesterday's posting, I had included the following paragraph.

"9. In normal course of life, something that came from breaking a 
form such as the pillar should be expected to be another piece of the 
same jaDa form. One should expect a live form to be originating only 
from another life form. Here, the narasimha avatAram illustrates the 
unusual, which can happen only because BhagavAn is the divya purusha, 
and in matters relating to Him, we should not be applying normal 
logic as we are used to do".

I just remembered that svAmi deSikan poetically describes this 
unusual  birth of Lord nRsimha from the pillar in his daSavatAra 
stotram in one of his poetic naya-s.  He describes the lucky pillar 
from which Lord nRsimha emerged, as the grandmother of brahmA – 
mahAsura gRha sthUNA pitAmahyabhUt (Slokam 5).   The "lineage" in 
this description is that bhagavAn is the father of brahmA, and since 
the pillar gave "birth" to Lord nRsimha, the pillar thus becomes the 
grandmother of brahmA. 

svAmi deSikan also shares with us the six rahasya-s of bhagavAn's 
incarnations through Slokam 17 of his SrI SaraNAgati dIpikA.  All 
these six rahasya-s apply to His nRsimha incarnation as well, and I 
asm listing them below: 

These are:
-	He takes many incarnations with different forms at will as 
needed – nAnA vidhaih.  One of these is the nRsimha incarnation.
-	The incarnations are all true forms that He assumes, and not 
just mAyA forms –    a-kapaTaih.
-	Every incarnation of His is fully endowed with His parattvam 
and all His kalyANa guNa-s in full, irrespective of the incarnation 
He takes – ajahat-svabhAvaih
-	His forms in His incarnations are not made of pa'nca bhUta-s 
like ours, but His tirumEni in His incarnations is also made of 
Suddha-sattva, and so He is beyond the three guNa-s, sattva, rajas, 
and tamas – a-prAkRtaih
-	The forms in His incarnations are takenas part of His leelA, 
and not as a result of any karma as in our case – nij-vihAra-siddhaih
-	They are taken purely for the protection of His devotees and 
the destruction of their enemies – AtmIya rakshaNa vipaksha 

-dAsan kRshNamAcAryan


           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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