Re: Doubts in Valivadham

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Mon Jan 20 2003 - 05:51:14 PST

Dear Vaidhyanatha Iyer, 

Happy to receive email from you. I understand your contention of ramavatara was only to kill ravana. IF so  these are the questions sprout from my heart. 

1. Hypothesis of an individual has to be substantiated by a “lakshana” . In pathanjal yoga sutra, sage gives lakshana for parama purusha as “klesa karmavibaga aasaiyaihee aparaamrushta purusha visheshahaa eswaraha” which can be translated as “ the parama purusha will never be affected in TRIVIAS of time (Past, Present, Future) by  a) action and reaction, b) desires c) agonies and pleasures.

So if we take Rama as incarnation of bhagawan, then your point cannot stand. 

2. In Yutha kaandam 18th sarga, sloka 35 of Valmiki Ramayan, Rama says 

AnaiyayEnam harishretra datham asya abhayam maya.

VibishanO vaa sukriva ethivaa raavanaswayam

By this sloka, we understand that he was ready to extend the saranagathi even to Ravana. So your point on somehow eliminating ravana does not hold fit. 
Kindly elucidate.
 "vaidyanathiyer "  wrote:dear friend,
glad that you asked this question.
why didn't rama send hanuman as emissery,to find out the culprit.why 
didn't he give a chance to vali? you are right rama should have done 
that,but then ramayana or ramavatharam has no meaning.supposing rama 
found out that vali did not abduct ruma,then what will happen to 
sugriva. as it is as per kabanda he told rama to make fried with 
sugriva to find sita.vali as we all know can't be won over in a 
direct battle.even ravana faced defeat.if rama make friendship with 
vali then what will be the requirement of fighting with in 
every avatar there are compromises done to protect rhe basic 
necessity.the idea of making friend with sugriva is to have proper 
search with hanuman becomig the hero and rama killing ravana.vali 
would have achieved it with out a battle,which he said so to 
rama.good keep asking questions.

cde bvn--- In, Nanmaaran 
> Dear Shri Harikrishnan,
> Thanks for your excellent posting on Ramayanam and i have learnt a 
lot thru that. I have following doubts for which i request you to 
> Can you give the reference sloka or verse where vali accepted that 
he coveted Ruma w/o sugriva.? In both valmiki and kamban's work.
> When Rama sent emissary twice (hanuman and angada) to the known 
culprit who abducted his wife sita, why he did not give a chance to 
vali?. He could have sent same hanuman as emissary and requested Vali 
to release Ruma and to give the status to sugriva..Even in 
krishnavataram also we see that our emperumaan personally takes the 
position of emissary and asks duriyodana for the rights of pandavas. 
Why did Rama fail to do for Vali alone? 
> Regards,
> Nanmaaran
> Hari Krishnan wrote:Dear Sri Nanmaaran,
> The fact that Vali coveted the wife of Sugriva is very clearly 
mentioned in Kamban. The version varies from that of Valmiki here. 
Neither Sugriva, nor his ambassador, Hanuman, disclose the details to 
Rama in the first instance - or during the first meeting. They simply 
state that Sugriva needs protection from Vali. The first meeting 
between Rama and Sugriva is very interesting. 'I need your help,' 
says Rama. 'Kabanda told me about you. I have come to solicit your 
assistance,' he says. Instead of answering Rama, Sugriva seeks 
redressal of his own grievance. 'My brother is tormenting me. I need 
your protection,' he says and Rama, without another word assures him 
of it, being the 'ocean of mercy' that he is.
> Regards,
> Sincerely,
> Hari Krishnan
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