Contributions on tiruppAvai.

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 14, 2003

Dear members:

In the past day or two, there have been lots of postings that have 
been submitted, appreciating some of the contributions on tiruppAvai over the 
past month.  Needless to say, it is precisely this aspect of the list 
that justifies our being part of the list - namely, the willingness 
and dedication of these great contributors in investing their time to 
share their anubhavam with the rest of the devotees.  Since there are 
close to 1350 members in the list, it has been one of the guidelines 
of the list that we do not post purely congratulatory messages on 
items that are posted.  For this reason, instead of posting the 
individual messages, through this note, I would like to express my 
sincere appreciation and thanks to all the contributors on tiruppAvai 
over the past month.  In fact, this sense of appreciation extends to 
all the other contributors also, who have contributed, and continue 
to contribute, very valuable postings on topics related to the veda-
s, the works of AzhvArs, the rAmAnuja siddhAntam, and other items 
that help us all enjoy the infinite auspicious guNa-s of SrIman nArAyaNa.  
Words cannot do justice to the sense of appreciation to all those who make the list worthwhile for the rest of us.

I encourage those of you who would like to give personal feedback to 
the individual contributors, to send personal mail to the contributor 
giving your feedback.  If you have questions of substance relating to 
the postings, or additional information to add, then of course, 
please feel free to submit your thoughts to the list.


           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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