Thiruppavai 26

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 10, 2003


The twenty sixth pAsuram of thiruppavai commences with the term 'mAlE maNivaNNA'
and finishes with 'Alin ilayAi'.

The term maNivaNNan refers to saulabhyam. emperumAn being accessible to one and all.
It is the characteristic of the rathnam-maNi.vaNNam is characteristic. 
" maNivaNNA= The person who cannot be determined by us properly, can be just pocketed in the end of the saree( mundhAnaiyilE mudindhu, peNgalukku adakki AlalAmbadi irukkiRa soulabhyathai sollugirapadiyumAm") . The attitude of being easily accessible and permitting himself to be be controlled by his devotees. 
maNi is a very precious item. A precious item cannot be accessed easily. It is difficult in carrying and so on. maNi is a high value item, but can be adorned for people who can adorn it. For those who do not want to use it as an ornament, it can be remade and utilised otherwise. It can be under one s control totally. Unlimited help can be attained from this maNi. Once you see this maNi then one s eyes will not go elsewhere. Such is the attraction.
Thus, being precious, under ones control easily, absolute attraction and being as a help for one and all. These are described as attitudes of maNi. that is maNi s vaNNam.
This is attitude is referred to here.
The Lord is precious. At the same time he is very attractive to the extent that we do not set our eyes on anybody/anything else.
'manivaNNan' highlights emperumAn's saulabhyam.

'Alin ilaiyAi' refers to emperumAn's omnipotence. His immense/immeasurable strength. 
Why the term 'Alin ilaiyAi'? Having completely devoured the universe in His small belly, emprumAn gently sleeps on the 'Alilai'. His greatness/omnipotence is stressed here. 

The great Lord who is omnipotent is also easily accessible.

"mAle manivAnnA'engiRa idathil saulabhyam sollugiradhu.'Alin ilaiyAi' engiRa idathil sarva sakthiyOgam sollugiradhu. adhu mAm engiRathin artham. idhu aham engiRAthin artham" ArAyirappadi.
That is saulabhyam is represented by emperumAn's thiruvadi which is the means to attain HIm.
The  omnipotence refers to the Lord who Himself will remove all our troubles.

vAnamAmalai padmanAbhan

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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