sree vishnu sahasra naamaavali - post 38

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 6, 2003

Post no. 38

Dear Sri vaishnava perunthagaiyeer,

In this post, we will see first a naamaa is spelt in sree vishNu sahasra naamavaLi. Then a prefix is added to this naamaa to give further qualification, additional effect or more emphatic meaning or glorify further. To put in modern day management jargon, the second naamaa is more "value added" than the first naama. It is the intention of this writer to enjoy his krishna more by such classification with all krishna bhakthaas. 

The serial number is given for the first naama only. May be this also we will have to see in two posts because of the number of naamaas.

1.	Om Bhootha BhruthE nama: -- naamaa no. 6 occurring in slokam 1 
	meaning: he bears all things who nurtures and nourishes all beings.

	Om sareera Bhootha BhruthE nama: -- naamaa no. 501 occurring in slokam 53 
	meaning: who bears the entire creation as his own body.

2.	Om avyayaaya nama: -- naamaa no.13 occurring in slOkam 2. 
	also naamaa no. 700 occurring in slOkam 96 - for sri sankara. 
	meaning:  one who is without  destruction- he by whom the released soul is not sent away. 
	Indestructible - changeless. [na vyapagamyathE asmaath ithi avyaya:]
	[Sri Bhattar considers this naamaa 900 as kapi: avyaya: , hence it can not be included here.]

	Om niDhi: avyayaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 30 occurring in slOkam 4
	Meaning: the inexhaustible treasure - imperishable treasure.

	Om beejam avyayaaya nama: -- naamaa no.430 occurring in slOkam 46
	Meaning: the imperishable seed.

3.	Om purushaaya nama: -- naamaa no.14 occurring in slOkam 2
	Also naamaa no. 407 occurring in slOkam 44
	Meaning: for 14 - the generous giver
	For 407 - the purifier - the first in the entire universe.

	Om praDhaana purusha eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 20 occurring in slOkam 3 
	meaning: lord of primordial matter, and purushaas - jeevaas.
	[this is a special - both one prefix and one suffix are added to give more value addition]

4.	Om aksharaaya  nama: -- naamaa no.17 occurring in slOkam 2
	meaning: one who never wanes- indestructible. - unconditioned.
	naamaa no. 480 occurring in slOkam 51 for sri sankara. 
	For 480- he who is ever exisitent without decrease or destruction - imperishable - he who never wanes
	[Sri bhattar considers this naamaa in 481 - with previous naamaa 480 sath and offers commentary for Om aksharam sathE nama:] 

	Om spashta aksharaaya nama: -- naamaa no.280 occurring in slOkam 30
	Meaning: he who is clear in his words.

5.	Om sthaaNavE nama: -- naamaa no.28 occurring in slOkam 3
	Meaning:he who is firm.

	Om sthaavara sthaaNave nama: -- naamaa no.428 occurring in slOkam 46
	Meaning:he who is tranquil after establishing dharma.

	Om saasvatha sthaanavE nama: -- naamaa no. 121 occurring in slOkam 13
	Meaning: he who is stable and solid.

6.	Om Bhaavanaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 32 occurring in slOkam 3
Meaning: the saviour

Om Bhootha Bhaavanaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 9 occurring in slOkam 1
Meaning: one who creates and multiplies the creatures. 
-	who nourishes all beings.

7.	Om praBhavE nama: -- naamaa no.35 occurring in slOkam 4
	Also naamaa no. 300 occurring in slOkam 32
	Meaning: for 35 - he who is all powerful.
	For 300 - he who has supreme power to attract all minds.

	Om amara praBhavE nama: -- naamaa no. 49 occurring in slOkam 6
	Meaning: powerful lord of immortals 
	[amara: is dhEvaa who has consumed amirtham the nectar for his immortality].

	Om Bhooth Bhavya Bhavath praBhavE nama: -- naamaa no. 4 occurring in slOkam 1
	Meaning: lord of all existing in all the three periods of time - past present and future.

8.	Om eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no.36 occurring in slOkam 4
	also naamaa no. 75 occurring in slOkam 9
	meaning: for 36 - the supreme ruler
	for 75 - the ruler - omni potent

	Om praDhaana purusha eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 20 occurring in slOkam 3 
	meaning: lord of primordial matter, and purushaas - jeevaas.

	Om sarva eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no.97 occurring in slOkam 11
	meaning: he who reaches all - the supreme controller- all mighty and all powerfull.

	Om sura eeswaraaya  nama: -- naamaa no. 287 occurring in slOkam 31
	meaning: lord of all gods.

	Om jana eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 342 occurring in slOkam 37
	meaning: lord of the people - janana Dharmavaan jana: janaanaam eeswara: janEswara: - all those who are born are jana or people - people's lord is janEswara:

	Om parama eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 378 occurring in slOkam 41
	meaning: the supreme ruler - one who is omni potent and all glorious.

	Om Dhana eesvaraaya nama: -- naamaa 475 occurring in slOkam 50
	meaning: who confers wealth on his devotees immediately - the lord of wealth.

	Om Bhootha mahaa eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 490 occurring in slOkam 52
	meaning: supreme lord of all beings. 

	Om jyOthi: gaNa eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 625 occurring in slOkam 66
	meaning: lord of hosts of ever effulgent deities - lord of luminaries in the cosmos.

	Om soora jana eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 651 occurring in slOkam 69
	meaning: ruler of all the valiant persons, commander of the brave.

	Om sarva vaak eeswara eeswaraaya nama: -- naamaa no. 808 occurring in slOkam 86 
	meaning: the very lord of the lord of speech - best among all great and eloquent arguers. 

9.	Om aadhithyaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 39 occurring in slOkam 5
	meaning: the very person or truth or purusha in the sun is aadhithya.

	Also naamaa no. 568 occurring in slOkam 60
	Meaning: son of adhithi and kaasyaba - [adhithi is dhEvaki in krishna avathaaram]
	Who is to be realised by means of 'aa' the beeja manthra .

	Om jyOthi: aadhithyaaya nama: -- naamaa no.569 occurring in slOkam 60
	meaning: the supreme lord who is the resplendence in the sun.

10.	Om DhaathrE nama: -- naamaa no.43 occurring in slOkam 5
	Also naamaa no. 951 occurring in slOkam 102
	Meaning: for 43 - the creator
	For 951 - the preceptor of Dharma.

	Om vi DhaathrE nama: -- naamaa no.44 occurring in slOkam 5
	Also naamaa 485 occurring in slOkam 51
	Meaning:for 44 - the producer
	For 485 - the controller of yama the lord of death and such other functionaries.

	Om  sam DhaathrE nama: -- naamaa no.203 occurring in slOkam 22
	Meaning: he who makes his devotees attached to him - giver of all fruits of actions.

11.	Om vikramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 79 occurring in slOkam 9
Meaning: one who moves about on garuda. The powerful. 

Om amitha vikramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 519 occurring in slOkam 55
Also naamaa no. 647 occurring in slOkam 68
meaning: for 519 - who has boundless valour
for 647 - whose three steps as thri vikrama has no match.

 Om thri vikramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 533 occurring in slOkam 56
Meaning: the huge - so big - he who traverses or pervades the 3 vEdhaas.
-	one who has taken 3 steps as vaamanaa.

12.	Om kramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 80 occurring in slOkam 9
Meaning: he who is prosperous.

Om mahaa kramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 676 occurring in slokam 72 
meaning: who provides great steps gradually ascending to raise the jeevaas - all pervading.

Om dhur athi kramaaya nama: -- naamaa no. 782 occurring in slOkam 83
Meaning: he who can not be ignored or dispensed with 
	one who is difficult to be disobeyed.

13.	Om BhaanavE nama: -- naamaa no.126 occurring in slOkam 14
	meaning: the sun who shines. 
	Sri sankara considers this naama with previous sarva vith and gives a meaning 
	- one who is all knowing and effulgent.
	Also naamaa no. 285 occurring in slOkam 31 
	Meaning: the lustrous sun who shines himself - self effulgent 
	- the sun presiding over the solar system. 

	Om bruhadh BhaanavE nama: -- naamaa no. 335 occurring in slOkam 36
	meaning: one who illumines the world with rays of sun and moon 
	- of profuse lustrous rays that spread every where.
14.	Om vEdha vidhE nama: -- naamaa no. 129  occurring in slOkam 14
Meaning: knower of vEdhaas. 

Om chathu: vEdhavidhE nama:  -- naamaa no. 777 occurring in slokam 82 
meaning: knower of all four vEdhaas or known to those who have learnt all the four vEdhaas.


vasudevan  m.g.

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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