ThiruppAvai 21st verse- Sri Mukkur Azhagiya Singra's divine anubhavam- excerpts
From the Bhakti List Archives
• January 5, 2003
SrI: SrImathE Gopaladesika mahadesikaya namah: Dearest Srivaishnavas, 21st verse- yERRa kalangaL yedhir pongi meethaLippa..… Nappinnai now has informed their arrival to KaNNan. She also thinks, “Mahalskhmi sent me only to ensure GopikAs desires to be fulfilled. That should be my objective and after and while they enjoy their company with KaNNan then I need to unite with Him. If I unite with Him what is the difference between this place and Srivaikuntam? Is that why I was sent?- “ Thus she ponders and joins the ghsoti of Gopikas to wake up and appeal to KaNNan together. KaNNA! Pelase wake up (thuyilezhaay) KaNNan stars talking without coming out (speaks from the bed)- without being seen by Gopikas “oh foolish girls! Lietsn. Who am I in this village? A butter thief? A cowherd Boy? A dark stout boy? No eduation. No liretacy. Always mischievous. Ask any older lady. They used to tie me and beat me. YasOdhA learnt from them to beat me. Look at my necklace- made of leaves and forest stones. My father is poor. The place where I am sleeping belongs to Nappinnai’s father. Who are we/ Cowherd folks? We are living because of our few cattle. If there is no rain, or no grass, we need to shit and migrate from here. We are nomads. Whom do you think I am! I am jArachOra sikhAmaNi. Ask anyone in neighboring villages. Has anyone considered me as periya manushan (chief- big man) ? (avajAnathi maam mUdA:) Why are you all coming around me and forcing me? Why have you become so dull in intellect? This one month, they have let you see me because of their vested interest. What happens after? Even if they (your parents) allow you later, how do you think I can manage you all with my meager income with few cattle? Leave me. Go for someone grand and greater. Those girls say: “KrishNA! What you say is surprising. Whaom are yoy trying to fool? Your father is almost a king of cowherd folks? He ha got few thousands of cows which give milk pots after pots. You just need to keep placing large sized pots below their breasts and by the time we pick up the next pot, the previous pot gets filled with milk. You are the only son to the richest NandhagOpan. These cows are good nice ones- youthful and healthy ones. The sellers of those milk have become millionaires as well (selling to neighboring villages). They are so vaLLal perum pasukkaL. He (your father) also performs great dharmas (ambaramE, thannErE. sore aRam cheyyum). Due to his punya (virtuous deeds), he gets further and further wealth. We are not fools. We know exactly we are doing. Do not try to fool us. We know You are. You are the Primordial Chief. You are Superiormost and there is none equal to You, why to talk superior to You? In addition to Narayananthvam, Jagathpathithvam, You are the darling son of the cowherd NandhagOpan is the Grandest One for You. That itself is enough for Your Parathvam and sowlabhyam combined. You are the jyOthiswarUpan. Vedas say: SrEyAn bhavathi jAyamaana: - in every avatar, You become grander; Your greatness and grandeur expands (appear to expand). What the Vedas did not say, we are saying from our anubavam: Everyday- You shine better and grander; You become more sowlabhyam and more divine to us. You have resplendency shining and increasing from strength to strength every day. You have apAra thEjas increasing exponentially everyday. You are Paranchudar. thEjobirApoorya jagath samagram”- Arjuna said in the battle field- You are the thEjas appeared in this world. Is there any birth, jAthi (caste) for you? Your birth is not like ours. Yours is avatar. When one sees Your bed, (of AdhisEshan) can’t they not realize Your greatness? There is a nandhaa viLakku (which never extinguishes) on your bed near Your head. This Bed had appeared before You appeared in this house. (Balarama- Adhiseshan). You are not the cowherd Boy actually. You have dressed yourself so; You do not rear cattle. The cattle rear You. The cattle see You; enjoy You; they satisfy their hunger simply looking at You; they fill their stomach with only Your darshan. That’s why the milk is so sweet; so grand and so much quantum. That’s why the cows are so healthy; youthful and never get old. Do not try to cheat us. Seeing the suffering the enemies of Yours and Your Bhagawathas get – seeing the ends of the asuRas at your places; we (having committed and trespaseed saasthric injuctions) are scared of Your punishment and are here shivering and standing with knees shaking due to fear; we have come to Your door step, prostrating at Your Feet. – We can not go anywhere else and to anyone (there is none for us to take refuge) for our redemption and salvation to seek forgiveness for all our paapams and apacharam that we have committed towards You and Your devotees. When Your GaruDA (on which You were riding) sent and brushed aside Rudran when he came fighting against You in support of BANasura, he (sivan) realized your greatness and Parathvam) and immediately asked his Asrithan (Banasura) to perform 498 anjali (obeisance) to Your feet with his 998 hands ( as two hands were cut by KaNNan) and then Rudran saved him [AaaRRaadhu vandhu aDi paNiyumaapOlE]. Having known that, we have come prostrating at Your feet (aDipaNigiROm). So, You all also have supported Sivan) my enemies and have come now. Haven’t you? No. No. Never. As far as we remember, (in this birth) we have never ever committed any apacharam to Bhagawathas not have we supported your enemies (virIdhis) intentionally. Dow e have to say that in our own words? You are Sarvagnan. Omniscient. Don’t you Yourself know that? –when such is the case why did you make that query? How dare you ask us “we came like that?”- Tell us. KaNNA! We came with the fear that they had; But the manner (due to which they came). – Why did we have such fear?- you may ask. There are many enemies for us to come to Your place. They do not like our coming to You. They are angry at us for doing something that they do not like. They may stop us from coming due to their anger. Hence we were scared. I do not see any enemies. Nor do I think there is anyone. You youself appeared scared- why? Did someone stop you entering here- asks KaNNan. Krishna! When Dhruvan performed thapas (penance) there was no hurdle from human beings; but devas do cause hurdles. – Don’t you know as UpAsyan? When Sage ViswAmithrar performed various penance, he was stopped by devas by sending different hurdles. Similarly, when we approach You, there many be thApa thryam (AdyAthmika, Adhibhoudhika, Adhidhaivika); there may be illness, problems, etc.. All should get cleared by Your dayA alone. We have come with that fear only. So far, there has been no hurdle (vignam) at all; hence you have an interest in our performance- it is proved. Thus, You are OORRamudaiyaay. Being interested in devotees’ welfare and thus their pious deeds- ensuring that they get completed. Inspite of Your greatness, You still move with us as Sarvasulabhan. With Your will (sankalpam) none can cause hurdle for us. You are the Greatest and Grandest one (Periyaay). What did you do for me to stop someone’s hurdles? You have not done anything. We have come here singing all the time in praise of You and your divine names. We came here not with any fruits in mind at all- except singing your names. Perhaps your names alone would have removed /alleviated all the hurdles that would have come in our way- we think. How did you sing –Sing now. Let me listen. Krishna vishNO jagannAtha mangaLAnga yadhUtthama| Bhakthapriya bavArtthigna bandhupriya namOsthuthE || There are so nay devotees in this world. There are few devotees (especially) who make actual true ardent devotees feel “I should have been like this person and be as devoted as he is”. Wherever he (that special devotee) goes, he gets first respects at the temples; at sadhas and at any house. Once a great devotee found his dear SaaLagrAma perumAL missing from his sannidhi. He felt depressed and did not eat for three days in succession. He suddenly remembered that he had invited this special devotee the previous day when he found the PerumAL missing. He did not wish to commit BhAgawatha apacharam by thinking wrong things and talking about it. He went to the person (in that place) who sells SaaLagrAma. Though it is mahaapaapam to buy /sell PerumAL, he went to him and said, “I would like to replace my spoiled Saalagramam PerumAL with another good SaaLagrAmam. Do you have one?” The seller showed his own PerumAL and said, “This is available just arrived. “ “where did you get this?”. That great devotee gave it to me and sold to me as I always pay my obeisance to him. These BhAgawathas are not like this special devotee who does only acting outwardly as if he is a sincere devote without knowing that KaNNan, being the Sarvagnan (omniscient) knows everything at all times. They are not kapatdhAris; they are true devotees. They joyously sing in praise of You. (pugazhndhu). Your ThiruvuLLam (heart) should feel pleased. You should protect us. Our paapams should get dissolved. – Thus, we have come to wake you up; to take You to Yamuna; perform ThiruvArdhanam to You per Your ThiruvuLLam (your heart); to the joy and praise of everyone in this world about us for our such a GRAND Pooja for You; to become pure by sprinkling Your SrIpAtha theertham. Please read from vidwAns' commentaries about other greater details- Srimath Azhagiya singar ends with such great humility. anything good - the credit goes to the divine commentary of SrI Mukkur Azhagiya Singar's. Errors, faults are only due to my lack of understanding. Sri Andal ThiruvaDigaLE SaraNam Regards Namo Narayana dAsan _________________________________________________________________ The new MSN 8 is here: Try it free* for 2 months -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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