Re: request to clarify the following doubt

From the Bhakti List Archives

• January 16, 2001

Dear Sri Balaji,

I have read very little of Srila Prabhupada's voluminous
translation and commentary on Srimad BhAgavatham.   But, I am a
little taken aback that he would suggest something mundane in his
interpretations of Sri Krishna's leelas.   From attending
discourses at our local ISKCON temple, I was under the impression
that ISKCON is very much in line with other Vaishnava traditions
in its understanding that the relationship that the Lord shared
with the Gopis of BrindAvanam is far beyond worldly pleasures,
and indeed, is far outside the realm of understanding of

The residents of BrindAranyam are indicative of the three types
of people we find in the world: the rare souls who have given
themselves completely to God, those who need Him only to help
them in self-interested pursuits, and those who neither know
about God nor care to know about Him.  Of these three, the first
are the gopikas who, out of their pure sAtvika nature, simply and
innnocently lived only for Krishna and His enjoyment.  It is this
anubhAvam that our Andal has been sharing in her words with all
of us over this month long celebration of mArgazhi, and it is in
our hearing Her words and our AchAryans' pravachanams about them
that we can
begin to at least slightly understand to know what Pure Love for
Him is really like.

I am unaware of a formal SriVaishnava vyAkhyAnam on Srimad
bhAgavatham (perhaps more erudite members can enlighten us on
this). But based on what I have learned, would like to suggest
that Sri Potana's translation and elaboration of the work in
Telugu is considered by many scholars to be more supportive of
the SriVaishnava position.  I hope that readings of this work may
help you in gaining further clarification on this subject.  I
would also suggest that you make efforts to contact an ISKCON
devotee to determine whether or not the work that you have read
is really Srila Prabhupada's commentary or has just been
attributed to him.

Ramanuja Dasan

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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