Re: Thayar Sannidhis
From the Bhakti List Archives
Sadagopan • Sat Feb 13 1999 - 20:19:27 PST
In response to Sri SrinivAsan's query , Sri Anbil Swami gave an insightful answer . >Answer: >The Archa form of mother Goddess has three manifestations in the temples viz., >(i) Layaarcha : her form seated on the chest of the Lord >(ii) Bhogarcha: Her form as seated or standing by the side of the Lord and >(iii) Adhikararcha : her manifestations in separate temples without the form >of the Lord > >While there is no doubt of worshipping her in the first two forms, in the >third form she is believed to confer boons other than Moksha. > Dear BhakthAs : Sri Anbil Swami summarized brilliantly the importance of our ThaayAr in AdhikArArchA . Her OWN glories/power and their effects on the Lord have been summarized by AlavandhAr , Acharya RaamAnujA ( gadhyams ), KurEsan (Sri Sthavam ), Parasara Bhattar ( Sri GuNa Rathna kOsam ), Vedantha Desikan ( Sri Sthuthi) based on the PramANams of VishNu PurANam , Lakshmi Tanthram et al. I will elaborate further on AdhikArArdhA . PaancharAthra Samhithais have recommended the justification of the creation of a separate sannidhi for MahA Lakshmi . It is not that such recommendations counter the established prinicple of the Lord as Sriya: pathi is our Rakshakan and that He blesses us WHILE ACCOMPANIED WITH His Consort . Our ThAyAr is KaruNAmayi . Her glories are subtle and yet far reaching . AlavandhAr has pointed the unique role of Mahaa Lakshmi in his third slOkam of Chathu: SlOki this way : Without the augraham of PirAtti , the most sought-after anhubhvam in samsAram - jeevAthama anubhabham or the enjoyment of the Lord ( Bhagavath anubhavam )- none of them can be realized .None of them will come to fruition . That is why , we prostrate as the offending samsAris FIRST before Her at Her Sannidhi as at Srirangam , prior to proceeding to Her Lord's sannidhi . Lord is angry at our limitless trespasses and hence she meets us first , inquires about our yOga KshEmam , takes pity on us out of Her Vaathsalyam as the Supreme Mother and prepares us as it were to have the audition with Her Lord and waits there again with Her Lord in LayArchai and BhOgArchai to intercede for us . Her power over Her Lord and Her role as the Chef-du-cabinet of the Lord in assigning appropriate duties to all parijanams of the Lord ( Adhi sEsahn , VishvaksEnar et al )to perform their kaimkaryams are two of Her important distinctions recognized by AchArya RaamAnujA in Sri Vaikunta Gadhyam : sesaha -sEshaasanaadhika sarva parijanam Bhagavatha: tattath avasthOchitha paricharyAm aajn~ApayanthyA It appears logical that such an AdhikAri with the visEsha sthAnam needs to be recognized by us and revered in a special aasthAnam befitting Her role . Parasara Bhattar went one step further and celebrated his Mother , Sri RanganAyaki in Sri GuNa Rathna kOsam this way : Oh RanganAthA , We state that Your dear consort is even more superior to You ! ( -BhagaavthIm Sriyam TvatthOapyucchairvayamiha phaNAma: sruNutarAm )." TvatthOpi ucchai: vayam iha phaNAma: sruNuthAm " is the anvaya Karamam .He can say that because he(Bhattar )was raised by the Seshi Dampathis as a child in their garbha graham . Parasara Bhattar's father has also hinted at the supermacy and uniqueness of Sri RanganAyaki in the context of a Tanip PerunkOil for Her this way : yasyA veekshya mukham tadhingitha-parAdhInO vidhatthE akhilam krIDEyam kalu naanyathAasya rasadhA syAdhaikarasyAtthayA ( Sri Ranganaathan performs His duties such as lOka RakshaNam, samhAram , Creation , blessing one with savrgam and Mokasham et al through the cues given by the facial gestures of His Consort and bases His sankalpam on the sankalpam of Sri RanganAyaki. He does not enjoy performing the above duties without taking into heed His consort's Ingithams ( cues ) associated with Her sankalpam ). In the world of LoukIkam , we know as children , we approach our mother first on occasions when we are scared to experience the fury of our father . I recall the time , when I got a lower grade at School or any thing that would drive my father up the tree in anger , I had to seek my mother's protection form the fury of my father . In asimilar context , we need a seaprate ThAyAr Sannidhi to converse with Her and seek Her intercession to help us escape the fury of the Lord at us as MahAparAdhis . Daasan , Sadagopan
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