Re: KooratthAzhwAn Thirunakshathram (thai hastham)
From the Bhakti List Archives
• February 6, 1999
At 02:39 AM 2/5/99 PST, you wrote: >Sri: Dear Sri MadhavakkaNNan : Many thanks for a wonderful and timely article on Thai Hastham day to celebrate the Thirunakshathram of KurEsar . I add a few more "snippets " on the glory of this great AchAryan , who lived for 106 years on this earth from 1010 A.D . He attained parama padham in the year 1116A.D. He was older than AchArya RaamAnuja (1017-1137A.D ) by seven years and ascended to Sri Vaikuntam twenty one years before his AchAryan. Here are some additional information to compliment the passages in your excellent posting : >KoorEsar was the one who read the Commentary of Brahmasoothram in one >night and he could remember all when it was stolen and taken away be the >envious enemies on RamaujA's return from kashmir. Based on KoorEsar's >memory and ability, Ramanuj wrote Sri BhAshyam. (Please correct me, if I >am wrong!). Such was the Greatness of KooratthAzhwAn . There is another legend that the house , where the Sri Kosams were burnt down from a fire and the Sri Bhaashyam was lost . It is then KurEsar recalled form memory the Text of Sri Bhaashyam . KurEsar was also Sri RaamAnujA's amenuse or the memory bank and helped a freat deal in the creation of Sri Bhaashyam by his AchAryan . > >KoorEsar's eyes were plucked by ChOzhA king. Another version is that KurEsar himself plucked his eyes and threw it in front of the Veera Saiva RaajA with the announcement that he did not want to possess the eyes that had the paapam of seeing that intolerant NaarayaNa dhvEshi .The king's servants plucked the eyes of Periya nampi , who accompanied KurEsa to the king's court to refute the assertion of the king that SivA wa sthe greatest among Gods . This king later had throat cancer for his aparAdham and died a miserable death . >He along with periya nambhi went to the king's court >and when Periya nambhi refused to sign, he was >executed. Periya nampi gave up his own life after losing his eyes out of heart break about the king's cruel deed and Sri VaishNava apachAram . Periya Nampi lost his eyes at the order of the cruel king and on the travel from the king's court back to Srirangam, Kuresa and Periya nampi did not travel too far from the King's capital . Periya Nampi could not bear the suffering and laid his head on the lap of KurEsar and the feet at the lap of his daughter Atthuzhai and meditated on his AchAryan, AalavandhAr and ascended to Paramapadham at GangaikonDa Sozhapuram , the very capital of the ChOLA king , where such ignominy had happened . >KooratthAzhwAn, due to his Sanskrit knowledge, wrote a >statement "Bigger than Sivam is dhrOnam" (I think dhrONam is a measure >in sanskrit like "padi, marakkal, kaal padi, arai padi, in Tamil etc.. >Sivam's another meaning is kaal padi, (like 250 ml) and dhrOnam is >araipadi (500 ml)- I don't know the exact measure!). The clever Sanskrit slOkam with double meanings is : " SivAth paratharam naasthi---> dhrONamasthi tatha: param " Sivam is KuruNi and DhrONam , the measure bigger than Sivam is Pathakku . > >KooratthAzhwAn was so merciful and soft hearted that he requested the >Lord (when he was asked to appeal to the Lord, by RamanujA for getting >back his eyesight) to save him (KoorEsar) and Nalooraan also (who was a >traitor and the "brutus", because of whom KoorEsar was in fact blinded >at all). enna oru hrudhayam; - That is the essential quality of a >srivaishnava; AchAryA RaamAnujA expressly returned from Melkote after hearing about the fate of KurEsar and Periya Nampi . He went to Kanchipuram and asked KurEsar to compose a sthOthram in honor of the boon-granting Sri VaradarAjan for the return of his (KurEsar"s )eye sight . KurEsar composed the sthavam on Sri VaradarAjA . In that sthavam , KurEsar asked for Jn~Ana chakshus ( Jn~Anak KaNNkaL ) instead of physical eyes .His prayer was "nEthrasAth Kuru KarIsa ! sadhA mE ". > >Please read Sri Sadagopan's lovely article on Sristhavam (composed by >KooratthAzhwAn) in bhakti archives sometime in Feb 96, on this day for >being blessed by KooratthAzhwAn. Thanks very much for reference to this earlier posting , I almost forgot about . It will be wonderful to get hold of the other four sthavams of this great AchAryan, KurEsar ( 1010-1116 A.D ) : 1.AthimAnusha sthavam 2.VaradarAja Sthavam 3. Vaikunta Sthavam 4. SundarabAhu Sthavam Anyone , who has copies of the text or Text and commentary can contact me so that I can do this Kaimkaryamof writing in English . We can also share this kaimkaryam . I recall Sri Anbil Swamy giving a lecture one time on AthimAnusha Sthavam . He can start this effort for others to follow . I conclude this posting with the Taniyan for KurEsar to prostrate before him : SrivatsachinnamisrEbhyO nama ukthim adhImahE YaduktayasatrayIkanthE yAnthi mangaLa sUtratAm Sri KurEsa GuravE nama: Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SadagOpan
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