Salutation to Readers & Audience

From the Bhakti List Archives

• February 8, 1998


Thanks to all those who wrote that they liked reading about the raama mantra
shlokas by Swami Raamadaasa with it's meanings. Sunderji, who had sent me the
translation, pointed out to me that the readers and audience are also to be
saluted, following the footsteps of the great saints.

Here is the salutation to the readers by Swami Raamadaasa. It is called
shotestavana and is taken from (daasabodha -ch.1, section 6, v. 1-23).

\centerline{\Largedvng .. shriiraama..}
aataa.n va.nduu.n shrote jana . bhakta GYaanii sa.nta sajjana .
virakta yogii guNasaMpanna . satyavaadii .. 1..

## Now let us bow to the audience among whom are devotees, learned, saintly,
    dispassionate, disciplined, virtuous, and truth-abiding paople.##

yeka satvaache saagara . yeka buddhiiche aagara .
yeka shrote vairaagara . naanaa shabdaratnaa.nche .. 2..

##  Some are like oceans of essence, some repositories of intellect, 
     some wealthy in dispassion, some like store-houses of jewels of speech.##

je naanaa arthaamR^itaache bhokte . je prasa.ngii.n vaktayaache vakte .
naanaa sa.nshayaate.n chhedite . nishchayii purushha .. 3..

##  Some are connoisseurs of the nectar of logic, some inspirers of speakers,
     some adept in removing doubts, and determined.##

jyaachii dhaaraNaa apaara . je iishvaraache avataara .
naatarii pratyaxa suravara . baisale jaise .. 4..

## Some who have limitless capacity to absorb(knowledge), some who have
different forms of the Lord of the Universe,
    Or some who are verily seated like the luminous gods.##

kii.n he R^ishheshvaraa.nchii ma.nDaLii . shaa.ntasvaruupa satvaagaLii .
jayaacheni sabhaama.nDaLii.n . parama shobhaa .. 5..

## Or like an assembly of sages, of the very nature of peace and truth,
    whose presence adorns this gathering.##

hR^idayii.n vedagarbha vilase . mukhii.n sarasvatii vilase .
saahitya bolataa.n jaise . bhaasatii devaguru .. 6..

## In whose hearts the essence of the Vedas resides, on whose tongues the
Goddess of Speech(Sarasvati) plays,
    And when they speak about literature, they shine like the Teacher of the

je pavitrapaNe.n vaishvaanara . je sphuurtikiraNaache dinakara .
GYaatepaNe.n dR^ishhTiisamora . brahmaa.nDa na ye .. 7..

## Pure like fire, like the sun radiating rays of inspiration,
    Whose knowledge exceeds the visible universe.##

je akha.nDa saavadhaana . jayaa.nsa trikaaLaache.n GYaana .
sarvakaaLa nirabhimaana . aatmaGYaanii .. 8..

## Who sre ceaselessly alert(to the Supreme Self), who have knowledge of
past-present-future time,
    Devoid of pride at all times, and knowere of their true Self.##

jyaa.nche dR^ishhTiikhaaluuna gele.n . aise.n kaa.nhii.ncha naahii.n urale .
padaarthamaatraasii laxile . mane.n jayaa.nchyaa .. 9..

## Whose insight leaves nothing unseen,
    Who have studied carefully every aspect of matter.##

je.n je.n kaa.nhii.n aaThavaave.n . te.n te.n tayaa.nsa puurviicha Thaave.n .
tethe.n kaaya anuvaadaave.n . GYaatepaNe.nkaruunii .. 10..

## Whatever I remember, of that they are already knowledgeable,
    What knowledge can I talk about before such an audience?##

para.ntu he guNagraahika . mhaNona bolato.n niHsha.nka .
bhaagya purushha kaaya eka . seviita naahii.n .. 11..

## However, these lovers of virtue, prepares me to speak unhesitatingly,
    (For I know) what will such people not savour?##

sadaa sevitii divyaanne.n . paalaTaakaaraNe.n aveTa anne.n .
taisii.ncha maajhii.n vachane.n . praakR^ite.n .. 12..

## As those who are always accustomed to gourmet cuisine, for a change like to
savour ordinary food,
    So will my folksy words, will this audience savour!##
aapule shaktinnusaara . bhaave.n pujaavaa parameshvara .
para.ntu pujuu.n naye haa vichaara . koThe.nchi naahii.n .. 13..

## Let one worship the Lord devoutly with whatever one can afford,
    But let no one think of not worshipping at all.##

taisaa mii yeka vaagdurbaLa . shrote parameshvarachi kevaLa .
yaa.nchii puujaa vaachaabaraLa . karuu.n paahe.n .. 14..

## In like manner, I am a weakling in speech, and the audience verily the Lord,
    Trying to worship you with my babbling.##
vyutpatti naahii.n kaLaa naahii.n . chaaturya naahii.n praba.nda naahii.n .
bhaktiGYaanavairaagya naahii.n . gaulyataa naahii.n vachanaachii .. 15..

## Disciplined study of scriptures, art, cleverness, poetic intuition,
    Devotion,Knowledge,Dispassion,Sweet Speech, all these I lack;##

aisaa maajhaa vaagviLaasa . niHsha.nka bolato.n saavakaasha .
bhaavaachaa bhoktaa jagadiisha . mhaNonia .. 16..

## Such is the manner of my babble, yet do I speak slowly and with conviction,
    For I know that the Lord enjoys devotion.##

tumhii shrote jagadiishamuurti . tethe.n maajhii vyutpatti kitii .
buddhihiiNa alpamatii . salagii karito.n .. 17..

## You listeners are like the idols of the Lord, what can my puny intellect
     Despite my lack of intelligence and knowledge, I dare myself to befriend

samarthaachaa putra muurkha jagii.n . parii saamarthya ase tyaache aa.ngii .
tumhaa.n sa.ntaa.nchaa mii salagii . mhaNoni karito.n .. 18..

## The son of a powerful man, though foolish, still displays some of his power!
    Thus do I try to reflect your saintliness by my friendship with you!##

vyaaghra si.nha bhayaanaka . dekhoni bhayachakita loka .
parii tyaa.nchii.n pilii.n niHsha.nka . tayaa.npuDhe.n kheLatii .. 19..

## Ferocious tigers and lions, seeing whom people are struck with fear and
    But their little ones play in front of them fearlessly.##

taisaa mii sa.ntaa.nchaa a.nkita . tumhaa.n sa.ntaa.npaasii.n bolata .
tarii maajhii chi.ntaa tumache.n chitta . vaahelacha kii.n .. 20..

## Likewise, like a child in front of you saints, do I speak,
    For I know you will take care of me.##

aapale.nchi bole vaa{u}ge.n . tyaachii saMpaadaNii karaNe.n laage .
para.ntu kaa.nhii.n saa.ngaNe.n nalage . nyuuna te.n puurNa karaave.n .. 21..

## Whatever futile talk a child utters, the elders have to accept it;
    Thus, without having to tell you, I know you will make up fully for my

he.n to.n priitiche.n laxaNa . svabhaave.nchii karii mana .
taise tumhii sa.ntasajjana . maayabaapa vishvaache .. 22..

## This , indeed, is a sign of love, which the nature of your mind will fulfill,
    As the saintly souls that you are, the parents of this world.##

maajhaa aashaya jaaNoni jiive.n . aataa.n uchita te.n karaave.n .
puDhe.n kathesii avadhaana dyaave.n . mhaNe daasaanudaasa .. 23..

## Thus knowing my intentions, may you do what is proper,
    And attend to my discourse. This is the request of this humblest of

\centerline{.. iti shriidaasabodhe gurushishhyasa.nvaade shrotestavana naama
samaasa sahaavaa ..}

Thanks & Regards,