Anutva of Jeevatma
From the Bhakti List Archives
• February 6, 1998
Dear Prapatti Group Members: Rajagopalan Murali had raised very interesting questions about the Jivatma. I would like to share whatever little I have learned. (1) The upanishads gives us the 'real' story of Saubhari. Sage Saubhari was a great yogi and he could co-exist in several bodies. He married all the King's daughters (about 50 of them through different wives) by assuming different bodies. However, the interesting part of the story was that there was one central Saubhari who had the knowledge of all other Saubharis. It is not clear from the story whether the other Saubharis knew each other or the central Saubhari. It is like the Paramatma permeating everything and having a knowledge of everything. The object or the being that is permeated (for eg. the Jiva) does not necessarily have the knowledge of the Paramatman. As far as the Lord is concerned, we know Lord Parasurama met Rama and the Lord can assume limitless number of forms all at the same time. That's why we call Him Yogesvaresvara. A crude analogy is the multiple role played by the same individual but somehow juxtapositioned in time. (2) Generally, it is said like this of the Jivatma and Paramatma. The Jiva has one center with circumference everywhere. God has infinite centers with circumference everywhere. The circumference can be interpreted as that of knowledge. (3) I also think there is a subtle difference between Amsa and Avatara. While avatara would mean that the same Jivatma (or entity) assumes different forms, on the otherhand Amsa would imply that one entity has chosen to work through the other. I would seek the forgiveness of the learned members, if the above interpretations are not in concordance with the Vishishtadvaiitic position. Vijayaraghavan
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