Re: Sri Guna Rathna Kosam : Part 62: slOkam 52

From the Bhakti List Archives

• February 28, 2002


Dear BhakthAs of Sri RanganAyaki ThAyAr:

In the 52nd slOkam , Swamy ParAsara Bhattar
focuses further on the Vaathsalyam of SrI RanganAyaki 
for Her erring children and the special efforts She 
takes to influence Her Lord posiitvely in favor of 
Her/Their children:

pithEva thvath prEyAn Janani! paripoorNAgasi janE
  hitha srOthO vruthyA bhavathicha kadAchith kalUshadhI:
kimEthath nirdhOsha: ka iha jagathIthi thvamuchithai:
  upAyair vismArya svajanayasi MaathA tadhasi na:

(Meaning: Dr.V.N.Vedantha Desikan Swamy):

" Oh Mother ! This view is not merely our personal view . 
It is indeed Your perspective on things (as well). For, 
Your Consort , Lord RanganAthA has a tendency to be harsh 
on (towards) us under certain circumstances , even if 
it be in our own interest . A father ought to do it 
as it is the order of the worldly tings. But You always 
intercede, argue on our behalf , and, when necessary 
question Him " Who in the world is free from some 
occasional error? After all, to err is human!".
Not only that: You would even conspire to make Him
forget our transgressions , for which You would 
employ Your enticing impact , love-play etc,--
which is all in the nature of any worldly mother.
Yes, You are our Mother indeed!" 

Additional Comments: 
This and the previous slOkam suggest that 
the PurushakAram ( intercession and pleading 
for us with Her Lord) arises directly out of 
our ThAyAr's great affection (vaathsalyam )
for us inspite of the many transgressions 
by us of Her Consort's Saasthrams.

To understand PurushakArathvam of Periya PirAtti,
we have to understand the Dhvaya ManthrAdhikAram of 
SrImath Rahasya Thraya Saaram. Swamy Desikan quotes 
here a slOkam of Swamy AruLALa PerumAL EmperumAnAr:

AakAriNasthu vij~nAnam Aakaara Jn~Ana poorvakam
tEnAkAram SRIYAN  Jn~AthvA jn~AthavyO BhagavAn Hari:

(meaning): Only after understanding the attributes
(VisEshaNam )of a vasthu, we can begin to understand
the vasthu. Therefore , We can understand BhagavAn
only after understanding  His pradhAna VisEshaNam ,

VisEshaNam is a word or a tatthvam that qualifies 
or defines another and is recognized as an adjective 
or a distinguishing attribute.

Swamy Desikan proceeds thereafter to derive the six
meanings of SrI Sabdham and connects them to Her
PurushakAra anugraham as per PaancharAthra Saasthram .
These six meanings are indicated in the following 

SruNAthi nikhilAN dhOshAn SrINAthi cha guNair-jagath
SreeyathE chAkhilair-nithyam SrayathE cha param padham
Srayantheem SriyamANam cha SruNathIm SruNvathImapi

The Six Meanings of the Word SrI:
These six aspects of SrI sabdham are:
(1) SrIyathE (2)SrayathE (3)SruNOthi
(4)SrAvayathi (5)SruNAthi (6)SrINAthi.

Among these , The two aspects of Her anugraham
( SrIyathE and SrayathE ) .These two aspects 
are close to the PurushakArathvam of our Mother.
She intercedes on our behalf , reduces the anger of
Her Lord and enhances his " sahaja KaaruNyam " in
Her role as the affectionate and caring Mother
(Maathruthva Vaathsalyam ) .She questions Her Lord : 
"Is there a chEthanam that has not erred ? " 
As She stated in SithAvathAram : "na kascchin- 
nAparAdhyathi". She also charms her husband with Her 
Bhogams and redcues His anger at the erring chEthanams 
and serves as the PurushakAra BhUthai.That the Lord is
totally under Her bhOgaanubhavam is referred to by
Swamy NammAzhwAr in ThiruvAimozhi 3.10.8:

"Alli Malar MakaL BhOga-mayakkuhaL aahiyum niRkum AmmAn "

(meaning): Our Lord is enchanted by the BhOga anubhavam of 
His consort , SrI Devi and is totally under Her influence".

She as PurushakAra BhUthai pleads with Him to reduce 
Her Lord's anger at the erring jeevans and also uses 
Her infinite charm to achieve the same goal. Through
Her natural Motherly instincts , She saves us from the Lord's
anger and prepares us to become the objects of His grace
and stays in the UpEya Sthaanam at the time of the jeevan's
enactment of the anushtAnam of SaraNAgathi.Swamy Desikan
has blessed us with upadEsams on PurushakArathvam and 
Prapathti doctrines in His SrI Sookthi NikshEpa Rakshai . 
adiyEn hopes to write in greater detail about Her
glories in future articles on the SrI Sookthi of
ChathusslOki of Swamy AaLavanthAr as per the KaalakshEpams
of Prakuratham AchAryALs and VyAkhyANams of PoorvAchAryALs
like Swamy Desikan , NaayinArAcchAn PiLlai and PeriyavAcchAn 
PiLLai . These will appear in the SaraNAgathi Journal.    

Sri RanganAyaki ThAyAr ThiruvadigaLE SaraNam ,
Daasan, Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri SaThakOpan /Sadagopan  

P.S: AdiyEn appeals to you to participate in the NithyArAdhanam
for Swamy Desikan at Thoopul .Our AchArya Saarvabhouman was 
conferred the title of Sarva Tanthra Svathanrar by 
Sri RanganAyaki ThAyAr Herself.Please contact me for 
details on how you can help with this kaimkaryam . 

           - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -
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