Re: NammAzhwar's Moksham celebration @ Sterling Nj, by Sri Ranganatha Temple of NY

From the Bhakti List Archives

• December 28, 1999

Dear Bhaghavathas:

Sri Krishna Kanumalla has written well about Nammazhvar Moksham.  The 
occassion was a moving experience for all those who witnessed it.

The recitation of whole of Nalayira Pirabhandham was done well, before, 
during and after Nammazhvar Moksham.  I was moved by so many youngsters 
participating enthusiastically.  I wish to thank all those who worked to 
make this possible.  The list is definitely long and there were so many 
things to take care of by so many persons.  This was a wonderful experience 
and I learnt how to chant and how NOT TO chant.(I am still learning).

With Sri Renganatha and Ranganayaki thayar's blessings, we should be able to 
do this Kainkaryam next year in the temple premises.  I pray to Sri 
Renganatha and Renganayaki thayar to shower their karunai on us all so this 
WILL happen.

adiYen dAsan

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