Vaikunta Ekadesi Day

From the Bhakti List Archives

• December 23, 1998

>Dear BhakthAs of Sriman NaarAyaNA :
There was a query as to when to observe 
the Sri Vaikunta Ekadasi related all night
vigil . Duirng the early morning of Dec 29 
in Dhanur lagnam in Dhanur Maasam  ,we 
follow the Lord through Parama padha Vaasal .
Durign the night , we obserrve the vigil
for reasons explained below.
I will finish my write-ups on Sri Vaikunta EkAdasi
today , if possible .

wishing you all a wonderful Sri Vaikunta EkAdasi
Celebration ,
AdiyEn ,V.Sadagopan 

>Dear BhakthAs :

>It is the night of Tuesday(29th Dec. ) that one has 
>to be awake in preparation for the Dwaadasi
>PaaraNai on Wednesday .RukmAngatha Charithram 
>is the PurANic connection .The recommended 
>sections of divya prabhandham for the 
>second day of IrrA Patthu and the other ones 
>recited so far can be included for the long vigil .
>EkAdasi UpavAsam can be observed by those , who
>can .
>Your very thought of wanting to follow these observances
>is most moving . 
>AdiyEn, V.Sadagopan  

>>Sri. Sadagopan:
>>On the early hours of Dec 29, 1998 Sri. Ranganthar Swamy will enter the
>>SorkVasal and reach Ayiramkal mandapam for Irapatthu utsavam. Is it the
>>night on Dec 28, 1998 we all awake or the night of Dec 29, 1998? Can you
>>clarify this for me? In HTCS, NJ we want to recite some Prabandams on Dec 28.
>>Someone is telling us that it is Dec 29th night, we will awake.