SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 80 -Part 3.
From the Bhakti List Archives
• December 11, 2002
SrI vishNu sahasra nAmam - Slokam 80 - mAnyah. 755. mAnyah – The Object of honor. Om mAnyAya namah. This nAma again has the same root as the previous two nAma –s: mAn – pUjAyAm – to honor, to worship. mAnayitum yogyo mAnyah pUjanIyah iti mAnyah – He Who is fit to be worshiped or honored is mAnyah. SrI bhaTTar comments that bhagavAn is worthy of respect because of His special relationship towards His devotees based on His affection towards them – tadIyatvena sanmantavyo mAnyah. SrI bhaTTar gives the example of Lord kRshNa’s concern for arjuna through the following verse in mahAbhArata: “na sAratheh sAttvata kauravANAm kruddhasya mucyeta raNe’dya kaScit” - “In the battle of kurukshetra today, no sAttvata or kaurava is going to escape death because the Charioteer of arjuna is angry”. SrI v.v. rAmAnujan refers us to nammAzhvAr’s periya tiruvantAdi 53, where AzhvAr points to this guNa of bhagavAn: un aDiyArkku en Seivan enrE irutti nI – You are constantly thinking of the good that You can do to Your devotees. SrI Sa’nkara’s vyAkhyAnam is that bhagavAn is worthy of being worshipped by all because of being the SarveSvaran – sarvaih mAnanIyah pUjanIyah sarveSvaratvAt iti mAnyah. SrI satyadevo vAsishTha points out that rightly He is worthy of being worshipped, because it is because of Him that everything exists and functions – ISAvAsyam idam sarvam yat kim ca jagatyAm jagat (ISAvAsya upanishad - mantra 1). He is the Lord, Creator and Protector of everything. SrI cinmayAnanda refers us to another work of SrI Sa’nkara, viveka cUDAmaNi, where Sa’nkara uses the term mAnyah to refer to those blessed souls who have been able to realize the Supreme Being – dhanyah sa mAnyo bhuvi. If the people who have realized the Supreme Being are mAnyah or worshippable, what words can be used to describe the worship-worthiness of the Supreme Being Himself! It is noted again that SrI bhaTTar’s anubhavam of the nAma-s are primarily oriented towards enjoying bhagavAn’s guNa-s as being subservient to the welfare of His devotees, and SrI Samkara’s vyAkhyAnam is primarily oriented towards bringing out His parattvam and Supreme Rulership. SrI SAstri reminds us of the idea conveyed by the three nAma-s, a-mAnI, mAna-dah, and mAnyah: bhagavAn does not show Himself as One Who deserves to be supremely respected and honored (a-mAnI), He ensures that His devotees are respected (mAna-dah), and this is where all His feeling of respectability lies (mAnyah). The dharma cakram writer observes that even though bhagavAn is mAnyah (To be worshipped), it is only His true devotees who realize this, and it is to those that He gives the ability to overcome the lower desires, and realize Him. We will use this nAma to bring out an important point about understanding the reason for the existence of different vyAkhyAna-s for the same vishNu sahasra nAma stotram. One of the reasons is of course the difference in the anubhavam-s of the different vyAkhyAna-kartA-s, who are all great devotees of the Lord. Another reason is that the interpreters try to interpret ancient works such as the Sruti, smRti, itihAsa-s and purANa-s so that they can claim authority and authenticity for their specific school of philosophy through their interpretation of these scriptures. We will see this briefly for the dvaita interpretation for this nAma. In the dvaita philosophy, the view on pirATTi is: a) She is a jIva, but a higher jIva than all the other jIva-s; b) She is vibhu, but less than vishNu in Her parattvam. Two of the interpretations that SrI satya sandha yatirAja, one of the AcArya-s in the dvaita lineage, gives for this nAma (mAnyah), are based on looking at the nAma as (mA + anyah): 1. mAyA ramAyA anyA ceshTanIyA asya iti mAnyah; and 2. mAyA ramA upalakshita jIva rASeh anyo bhinna iti mAnyah. Both of these support the elements of their philosophy that are given above. It is worth nothing that both SrI Sa’nakara and SrI bhaTTar chose to use only the root mAn as the basis for their interpretation of the nAma, and gave the meaning to the nAma as “He Who is worthy of worship”, while the dvaita interpreter chose to see the nAma as mA + anyah. -dAsan kRshNamAcAryan __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now. -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Group Home: Archives: Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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