Re: Counting and concentration in Gayathri japam...

From the Bhakti List Archives

• August 26, 1999

Thanks, Anand for a great idea. I too focus more on the counting
than I'd like, and what's more, my hands start to hurt after two
to three hours of moving my fingers! 

I'd like suggestions from List members about what particular forms
they concentrate on when they do their japam.  For a while I used
to concentrate on Nitya Kalyana Perumaal of Tiruvidavendai (I can't
say why, He just came into my head), but now even He does not stay
fixed in my mind. It was also easier when I had a direct view of
the sun. When doing the japam outside, it was easy to concentrate
on the Paramapurusha as the indweller of the sun. However, now I
am forced to do my japam inside. Any ideas?

emberumaanaar tiruvaDigaLe SaraNam