pA'ncarAtra - An Overview - Part 5.
From the Bhakti List Archives
• April 11, 2000
pA'ncarAtra - An Overview - Part 5. pA'ncarAtra and viSishTAdvaita: It is believed by some that the pA'ncarAtra system and the viSishTAdvaita philosophy are one and the same thing, in the sense that one is derived from the other, and they both have the same philosophic background. This is an incorrect notion. The two thought-streams stemmed from independent sources, and have had different and independent courses. It is true that some of the great AcArya-s of viSishTAdvaita have attempted to integrate the two systems. However, the distinct origin of the two systems can be seen based on the differences between the earliest of the pA'ncarAtra samhita-s (sAttvata, jayAkhya, ahirbudhnya) and the later ones (vishvaksena, vihagendra, lakshmi-tantra etc.). The later ones clearly follow the lead of viSishTAdvaita. Following are some of the points that clearly indicate the independent origin, evolution and course of the two systems: pA'ncarAtra: 1. Not a philosophy but a thought system justifying a compendium of practices relating to worship. 2. Early tests were indifferent to vedic claims, and in fact claimed to be more ancient than the veda-s. 3. Prapatti is mentioned in later pA'ncarAtra tests, but not in the early ones - probably a reflection of the influence of viSishTAdvaita philosophy on pA'ncarAtra. 4. pA'ncarAtra existed even at the time of mahAbhArata. viSishTAdvaita: 1. A philosophy by no means confined to worship. 2. Seeks to justify its position wholly based on vedic authority. 3. Prapatti is an integral part of the pA'ncarAtra philosophy. 4. More recent than pA'ncarAtra. The pA'ncarAtra system is not a philosophy but more a thought-system justifying a compendium of practices relating to worship. ViSishTAdvaita is a philosophy by no means confined to worship, and seeks to justify its position wholly based on vedic authority. The early pA'ncarAtra texts were indifferent to vedic claims , and in fact claimed to be more ancient than the four veda-s. We see mention of prapatti (SaraNam) in the later pA'ncarAtra texts, probably as a result of the influence from viSishTAdvaita, but not in the earlier ones. As has been mentioned earlier, pA'ncarAtra existed even at the time of the mahAbhArata. It has been pointed out by van Buitenen that SrI rAmAnuja has not used any quote from the pA'ncarAtra, and for that matter from divya prabandham as well, in any of his known works. An explanation offered is that this might have been because in SrI rAmAnuja's days there was so much resistance to anything even remotely considered non-vedic in nature, and quoting from pA'ncarAtra or prabandham could weaken his case in the eyes of the biased. The postulate advanced is that SrI rAmAnuja was in a position to make a good case with purely the help of the Sruti-s and well-accepted smRti-s, and there was no need for him to bias his case by using quotes from sources which could have been dubbed sectarian. The topic of the inter-relationship between the two systems is in itself a subject that deserves dedicated analysis and understanding, and is a separate subject which we will defer. At a high level, the following are some common aspects between the pA'ncarAtra and viSishTAdvaita systems as they are accepted today, and are greatly emphasized by SrI rAmAnuja (e.g., prapatti in the gadya-traya-s). 1. The concept of prapatti 2. insistence on an austere life, 3. dedicating all actions including sleeping and eating to bhagavAn, 4. the concept of disinterested action which in the end leads to God realization, etc". High-level view of the postulates of the pA'ncarAtra: At a high-level following are some of the highlights of the pA'ncarAtra system: 1. The pA'ncarAtra does not admit of a plurality of God, but is an uncompromising monotheism. 2. prapatti is a means to moksha that is available to everyone without any constraints regarding varNa etc., and which is available in this birth itself. 3. A very austere way of life where everything that is done is done for bhagavan's pleasure, not excepting eating and sleeping. 4. nishkAmya karma, or disinterested action, which will ultimately lead to God-realization. 5. pA'ncarAtra emphasizes ritual worship consisting of dIkshA, ArAdhana, pUjA, function and use of nirmAlya and naivedya, and pa'ncakAlikA (these will be covered more elaborately later). What is listed below is one interpretation of the postulates of pA'ncarAtra. I am not listing multiple interpretations here in the interests of brevity and simplicity. 1. The nature of Godhead - bhagavat who denotes the manifested configuration of the six qualities; not only an absolute, indescribable, and transcendental Brahman of the vedAntins, but also a personal god, worthy of adoration and worship; also different forms (vyuha, vibhava, arcA etc.) assumed by the personal god. 2. karma - panca-kAla procedures 3. vidyA - systematized spiritual knowledge, or the energy of the Godhead which works within the individual for producing knowledge. The samkarshaNa aspect of Godhead bestows the knowledge of scriptures (Sastra-j~nAna), the pradyumna aspect the knowledge of practice (anushThAna mArga), and the aniruddha aspect the benefits of such knowledge and practice (kriyA-phala). 4. kAla - the principle of time. Time is viewed as that which causes the disturbance in the guNa-s and which brings about everything in the universe in an orderly fashion. 5. kartavya - what ought to be done as a duty. The daily and imperative worship at home, meditation, etc. 6. vaiSeshika - special ceremonies such as pratisTha in a temple, pavitrotsava, adhyayanotsava, etc. 7. samyama - yogic practices - the yoga of restraints. (Chapter 6 of bhagavad-gItA emphasizes the value of yoga, and Lord kRshNa tells arjuna - tasmAt yogI bhavArjuna - therefore you should become a yogi). 8. cintA - dhyAna (contemplation), cintana (visualizations), etc. These are in the category of antar-yAga (internal or mental sacrifices). 9. mArga - the path to be chosen for securing salvation. SAttvata samhitA mentions devotion (bhakti) as the mArga - bhakti which is firm (acala), pure (Suddha), constant (nitya), unwavering (avyabhicAriNI). ahirbudhnya samhitA indicates that the mArga is namana (bowing) - involved in the mantra-s which proclaim SaraNAgati (surrender). This refers to total and confident surrender of oneself and all that belongs to oneself to Godhead, and is an important concept of viSishTAdvaita. -To be continued. -dAsan kRshNamAcAryan __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You have a voice mail message waiting for you at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH - To Post a message, send it to: Visit for more information
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