Re: Five angas of prapatti
From the Bhakti List Archives
Krishna Kalale • Mon May 23 1994 - 10:33:08 PDT
first of all, prapatti has its basis in Bhakti tradition and the Vedas. there is no need to change or introduce a new alias. We can freely discuss prapatti issues and bhakti issues. The issue of phala bhakti - ie. the one attained in moksha is a result of either bhakti or prapatti. I have no vote on this. either way is fine as long as people know how to correspond. dileepan's translation of the angas of prapatti from adaikkala patthu is interesting. If anyone has the 50 page article on prapatti from my guru Dr. N.S. Anantha Rangachar's phD thesis - "The philosophy of Sadhana" in visistadvaita, they can see the arguments and analysis of these angas of prapatti. REcently another guru of mine - Dr. SMS Chari who visited me in NY has written a book - "Vaishnavism" is an excellent book. The beauty of this book is that it ties up vaishnavism and prapatti doctrines to the oldest scipture - Rig Veda. This book is a must for any vaishnavite. The chapter on prapatti in this book is supposed to be very thorough. I suggest you and your friends to read this. I got a copy of this book through motilal banarsidas. What bothers me is not the lack of sastraic knowledge of prapatti, but the amount of taboos and misconceptions people have about this. Let me introduce you to some of the misconceptions. believe me these are not explicitly answered in even Rahasyatrayasara of Vedanta desika !!! 1) I dont want to do prapatti because I cannot stop eating onions and garlic. people say one has to observe strict rules regarding even vegetarian food which I may not be able to keep it up. So I would rather wait for a long time and then after getting retired probably at 65, I will do prapatti..... This is the perfect example of pennywise and pound foolish!!! I have ever come across. Yes, some rules are necessary. this is to protect the clause 2 = (praatikoolyasya varjanam) - ie. dont do that displeases Lord Sri hari. Tell me how many of you? can follow any one of these properly? a ) doing sandhyavandanam at exactly the sandhi kaalam morning, midday and evening. For women, there is Sthree dharmas - how many women can do sthree dharmas regularly? So people will not be prepared to do these things regularly even when they are 96 years old!! so does it mean that they can never take up prapatti?? b) one should not entertain bad thoughts - in fact if you quote vedanta desika - he would say - One should live like a Sthitha prajna after prapatti How many can even dream about being a 1/100000 th part of a sthitha prajna who has no desires at all? does this mean that unless one can become a stitha prajna one cannot do prapatti? c) one should not even cross the ocean and stay in India. one should not be too keen on worldly acquisitions like houses, wealth etc. and spend ones's time thinking about the vivid descriptions of kainkaryam as explained in Vaikunta gadya of Sri Ramanuja. I dont think there exists a handful of people who can be like that does that mean that prapatti is only for them ?? and ordinary people like us should not take up prapatti early in life?? Let me assure you... IF PRAPATTI BECOMES FUTILE JUST BECAUSE OF ONIONS, GARLIC AND OTHER POSSIBLE ERRORS......PRAPATTI IS NOT WORTH ITS GLORY!!!! IF ONE HAS PROBLEMS WITH HIS DUTIES, FOOD HABITS ETC. AFTER PRAPATTI, PRAPATTI DOES NOT BECOME INEFFECTIVE. PRAPATTI, ONCE DONE UNDER AN ACHARYA WILL NOT FAIL. THERE IS NO MUHURTHAM TO PERFORM PRAPATTI. ONCE A PERSON IS SURE ABOUT THE GRACE OF LORD LAKSHMI NARAYANA, ONE SHOULD PERFORM PRAPATTI AT THE FEET OF LORD. BEING SURE IS THE KEY. IF ONE IS NOT SURE THERE IS NO USE WHAT I AM POINTING OUT IS THAT EVEN IF SOME ONE DOES NOT HAVE ALL THE 5 ACCESSORIES FOR PRAPATTI COMPLETELY, ONE CAN DO PRAPATTI. THAT WILL WORK. note: I am not supporting the idea that one should eat whatever one wants and one can do whatever one wants and still perform prapatti. All I mean is that even after serious effort, if one cannot live by the books , it is still ok . prapatti can be performed. DESIKA SAYS - THIRUTTHI PANIKOLVAN.... LORD WILL CORRECT THE PRAPANNA'S MISTAKES AND THEN ACCEPT HIM. ONE MAY BE PUNISHED HERE IN THIS LIFE - EVEN THIS PUNISHMENT WILL BE NOT SO SEVERE SINCE GOD IS SO MERCIFUL TOWARDS THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE FALLEN AT HIS DIVINE FEET. SO, ONE WILL BE PENNY WISE AND POUND FOOLISH IF ONE DOES NOT DO PRAPATTI FEARING FOOD HABITS AND OTHER NISHTA - PROBLEMS. PLEASE NOTE THIS AND TELL OTHERS WHO MAY HAVE THIS MISCONCEPTION. Friends, please do understand. do not wait till you read through all the prabandhams, vedas , bramhasutras etc. have trust in Lord srimannarayana and resort to your traditional acharya and do "prapatti" IF YOU STRONGLY BELIEVE IN IT.. Recently, when I requested - 45th jeer of Ahobila mutt to do prapatti for my young son - only 3 years old, Jeer was very happy. He quoted a verse from vedanta desika and said - prapatti can be done even at this early age of 3 even though that child does not have knowledge of who acharya is what is life and what is bondage and what is prapatti? all the kid knows is " I want my mommy!!". Our acharya gave a lecture on prapatti before performing prapatti to my son - in nov 1993. IF ONE WAITS A LONG TIME THERE IS NO GAURANTEE THAT WE WILL EXIST TILL THEN. WE ARE NOT SURE WE WILL BE ALIVE TOMMOROW. LIKE HOW PERIAZHWAR SAYS IN HIS VERSE - PIN MUNNAAAHA IZHUPPADAN MUNNAM - " LET ME REMEMBER THE MOOLA MANTHRA - BEFORE I AM DRAGGED OUT MY HOUSE LEG FIRST AND HEAD LATER, OH NARAYANA, LET ME ASK YOUR PROTECTION... HELP. ..... (INCIDENTALLY, THE DRAGGING OUT LEG FIRST, IS WHEN ONE HAS DECEASED).. THESE ARE OUR OWN PERI AZHWAR'S WORDS. SOME PEOPLE MAY SAY ... SO PESSIMISTIC AND MURKY THOUGHTS..... BUT IS'NT IT TRUE??? ANY WAY..... I HAVE UNLOADED MY THOUGHTS.... THIS WAS BECAUSE ... SOME PEOPLE WERE TALKING ABOUT PRAPATTI WITH A HALF COOKED PERCEPTION OF IT YESTERDAY DURING THE "NRISIMHA JAYANTHI" CELEBRATIONS IN NEW YORK. AND I SAW DILEEPAN'S ARTICLE IN THE MORNING.... AND MY FEW THOUGHTS..SPURTED OUT PLEASE TAKE THIS IN THE RIGHT SENSE. IF WE CAN'T SHARE INFORMATION EASILY WITHOUT KNOWING WHO WE ARE CLEARLY HOW IN THIS DAMN GURU LESS LAND WILL BE FIND INFORMATION REGARDING PRAPATTI? by the way, I havent introduced myself clearly. I have been in this country since 1981. I, my wife, Krishna Priya and kids Hrisheekesh(3) and Yashoda (6) live in Spring Valley New York. I lived in Wash D.C(VA and MD), Naperville IL (chicago), michigan and Iowa City before we moved to NY. KRISHNA
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