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The unique likeness fashioned over the site of his interment
The Image of Sri Ramanuja at Srirangam
(tiruppaLLi / brindaavanam)
Photo by Koyil Tirumanjanam S. Kannan tAn Ana tirumEni: Image of Sri Ramanuja "as he was" [Larger]
Sri Ramanuja is the only personage whose remains were interred inside the Great Temple precincts, in the manner of Svami Nammalvar's interment within the 'AvaraNam' of Sri Adi Piran's temple in Alvar Tirunagari.The mUla image of the acharya was raised over the site of his interment and hence it is known as the Image per se, 'tAn Ana tirumEni'. It is fashioned of plaster and receives, twice a year, a coat of camphor mixed with saffron, which accounts for its ochre/orange tint. This special observance has continued for the last eight centuries and a half.
This being a plaster image, needs to be touched up on the occasion it receives the coating. The later-day photograph shows the visage distortion caused by careless 'dressing'.
(Text courtesy Koyil Tirumanjanam S. Sundara Rajan)
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