Rg Upakarma Procedure, 2000

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am a yajur vedI.  I have never witnessed or performed
                a Rg Veda upAkarma, so I do not know any details about
                its performance. All I write is taken from Sri Uttamur T.
                Viraraghavacharya's published summary of the Rg vedIya 
                procedure.  In all probability, there are gaps and/or erros
                in my presentation. Please consult knowledgable elders 
                if you are unsure.
     (1) Do morning nityakarmas including sandhyAvandanam as one
         would do on any other day.

     (2) kAmo'kArshIt manyur akArshIt japam
         (first time upAkarmins skip this)

         (I am including this because I think this part is the same as for 
          yajur veda. Please fix or skip if I am mistaken.)

         (a) Acamanam twice 
         (b) prANAyAma
         (c) mahA-sankalpam, including sAttvika tyAgam:

             ashTottara-sahasra (1008) [ashTottara-Sata (108)] sankhyayA "kAmo'kArshIt
             manyur akArshIt" mahAmantra-japam karishye.

         (e) Do japam of "kAmo'kArshIt manyur akArshIt" 1008 or 108 times
             as one has resolved.
         (f) Acamanam once, followed by sAttvika tyAgam

     (3) Perform mAdhyAhnikam, including mAdhyAhnika snAnam if one is

     (4) Preparing for the upAkarma

         Seated facing east, wearing a pavitram if available,
         after Acamanam twice, prANAyama, and mahA-sankalpa, including
         sAttvika tyAgam:

         SrAvaNyAm SravaNa-nakshatre 
         adhItAnAm chandasAm ayAta-yAmatvAya
         vIryavattA-siddhyartham adhyAya-upAkarma karishye,
         tad angam tarpaNAdi karishye,
         tad angam snAnam karishye.

         (a) Bathe once again (at least mAnasika snAnam:
             apavitra: pavitro vA sarvAvasthAm gato'pi vA |
             ya: smaret puNDarIkAksham sa bAhyAbhyantara-suci: || 
             Think of Lord as the lotus-eyes Pundarikaksha and
             sprinkle a little water (prokshaNa) on the place
             where you will sit/squat. )

     (5) maNDala-deva-tarpaNam, etc.

         (a) Acamanam twice
         (b) sankalpa specifically for the tarpaNam:

             SrAvaNyAm SravaNa-nakshatre adhItAnAm vIryatA-siddhyartham
             svAdhyAya-Atmaka-deva-rshi-pitR-prItyartham sAvitryAdi-
             nava-pradhAna-devatAnAm agnyAdi-vimSati-maNDala-devatAnAm
             brahma-yajna-devatAnAm ca tarpaNam karishye

         (c) tarpaNam done upavItI (yajnopavItam in standard position)

                      (I can't give you any more details about how it
                       is to be done. Probably this should be deva-tIrtham)

             sAvitrIm tarpayAmi
             brahmANam   ''
             SraddhAm    ''
             medhAm      ''
             prajnAm     ''
             dhAraNAm    ''
             sadasaspatim ''
             anumatim    ''
             chandobhya Rshibhya: ''

             agnim      ''
             aptRNasUryam ''
             agnim      ''
             Sukantam   ''
             agnim      ''
             Apa: tRpyantu
             agnim   tarpayAmi
             maruta: tRpyantu
             agnim   tarpayAmi
             varmANam  tarpayAmi
             agnim     tarpayAmi
             mitrAvaruNau tRpyetAm
             agnim    tarpayAmi
             indrAsomau tRpyetAm
             indram   tarpayAmi
             agnimarutau tRpyetAm
             pavamAnasomau tRpyetAm
             somam tarpayAmi
             agnim tarpayAmi
             samjnAnam tarpayAmi
             viSvadevA: tRpyantu
             devatA: tRpyantu

             agnis tRpyatu
             vishNus tRpyatu
             prajApatis tRpyatu
             brahmA tRpyatu

             vedA: tRpyantu

             devA: tRpyantu
             Rshaya: tRpyantu
             sarvANi chandAmsi tRpyantu
             omkAra: tRpyatu 
             vashaTkAra: tRpyatu
             vyAhRtaya: tRpyantu
             sAvitrI tRpyatu
             yajnA: tRpyantu
             dyAvA-pRthivI tRpyetAm
             antariksham tRpyatu
             aho-rAtrANi tRpyantu
             sankhyA: tRpyantu
             sAnkhyA: tRpyantu         
             siddhA: tRpyantu
             sAdhyA: tRpyantu
             samudrA: tRpyantu
             nadya: tRpyantu
             gAva:  tRpyantu
             giraya: tRpyantu
             kshetroushadhi-vanaspati-gandharva-apsarasa: tRpyantu
             nAgA: tRpyantu 
             vayAmsi tRpyantu
             viprA: tRpyantu
             yakshA: tRpyantu
             bhUtAni tRpyantu 

         (d) tarpaNam done nivItI (yajnopavItam like a necklace/garland.
                                   tarpaNam should probably be done Rshi-tIrtham)

             Satarcina: tRpyantu
             mAdhyamA: tRpyantu
             gRsnamada: tRpyatu
             viSvAmitra: tRpyatu
             vAmadeva: tRpyatu
             atri: tRpyatu
             bharadvAja: tRpyatu
             vasishTha: tRpyatu
             pragAthA: tRpyantu
             pAvamAnya: tRpyantu
             kshudra-sUktA: tRpyantu
             mahA-sUktA: tRpyantu

         (e) tarpaNam done prAcIna-vItI (yajnopavItam on opposite side. 
                                         tarpaNam should probably be pitR-tIrtham)

                       dharmAcAryA: tRpyantu
                       mANDukeyA: tRpantu
             gArgI tRpyatu 
             vAcaknavI tRpyatu
             baDabA: tRpyatu
             prAtitheyI tRpyatu
             sulabhA tRpyatu
             maitreyi tRpyatu
             kahoLam tarpayAmi
             kaushItakam tarpayAmi
             mahAkaushItakam tarpayAmi             
             bharadvAjam tarpayAmi
             paingam tarpayAmi
             mahApaingam tarpayAmi
             suyajnam tarpayAmi
             sAnkhyAyanam tarpayAmi
             aitareyam tarpayAmi
             mahaitareyam tarpayAmi
             bAshkalam tarpayAmi
             gArgyam tarpayAmi
             gautamam tarpayAmi
             sujAtavaktram tarpayAmi
             audavAhim tarpayAmi
             mahaudavAhim tarpayAmi
             saujAmim tarpayAmi 
             Saunakam tarpayAmi
             ASvalAyanam tarpayAmi
             ye ca anye AcAryA: te sarve tRpyantu

         (f) If one's father is no longer alive, now pitR tarpaNam

         (e) Return to upavItam, i.e., your poonool in its normal position.
             Finish with Acamanam and sAttvika tyAgam, and change into dry clothes.

     (6) yajnopavIta dhAraNam (listed in Notes for Yajur Veda but probably the same
                               for Rg Veda)

         (a) Wear the new yajnopavItam (poonool-s) with appropriate mantras
         (b) Brahmacharis should recite mantras for the darbha belt (maunji),
             krishNAjina (a piece of deer skin), and palAsa daNDa
             and if possible wear them

     (7) Traditionally there is now a upAkarma homa, where the rishis
         and devatAs mentioned above are once again saluted using the sacred
         fire. The there is vedArambha, where the beginning of the Rg Veda
         is taught to the sishyas. 

         These may not be available if one is away from one's elders and
         acharyas. At minimum, it is recommended that you recite one anuvAka
         from your veda on this day. 

         [ It is often erroneously thought that upAkarma or AvaNi aviTTam is
           primarily the changing the yajnopavItam (poonool). This cannot be
           further from the truth. Changing the poonool happens very often,
           whenever a significant vedic karma is performed. UpAkarma, however, is
           a rededication of oneself to the study of one's Veda, along with a
           salutations to the rishis who perceived and revealed the Vedic mantras
           to the world. This is the significance of the tarpaNam and the 
           anuvAka recitation.  ]

     (7) Next is bhagavad-ArAdhanam, as you would do on any normal day.



     (a) On the UpAkarma day, complete fasting is observed at night and a small
         meal is eaten during the day.  This meal typically consists of idli or
         something similar, but excludes rice.  Please also remember that you
         are not supposed to eat anything until after bhagavad-ArAdhanam.

     (b) The mantram for the kAmo'kArshIt japam is "kAmo'kArshIt manyur akArshIt".
         It is not followed by "namo namaH".

     (c) sankalpa details

         The following is said for any major sankalpa (mahA-sankalpa).
         What is specified below is for Rg upAkarma this year (1999).

         After acharya vandanam and vishvaksena dhyAnam,

         hari om tat SrI govinda govinda govinda!

         asya SrI-bhagavato mahApurushasya
             vishNor AjnayA pravartamAnasya
         adya brahmaNe dvitIyaparArdhe SrI-Sveta-varAha-kalpe
             vaivasvata-manvantare kaliyuge prathamapAde
             jambudvIpe, bhAratavarshe, bharatakhaNDe,
             SakAbde, meror dakshiNe pArSve
         asmin vartamAnAnAm vyAvahArikANAm
             prabhavAdi shashTi samvatsarANAm madhye
             vikrama nAma samvatsare
         dakshiNAyane, varsha Rtau, SrAvaNa mAse, Sukla pakshe,
         paurNamAsyAm Subha-tithau, soma-vAsara-SravaNa-nakshatra yuktAyAm,
         SrI-vishnu-yoga SrI-vishnu-karaNa Subha-yoga Subha-karaNa
         evam guNa-viSeshaNa viSishTAyAm,
         asyAm Subha-tithau,

         [ SrIman-nArAyaNa-prItyartham   OR
           bhagavat-kainkarya-rUpam      OR
           bhagavat-prItyartham, depending on sampradAya ]

         followed by the sankalpa for the particular karma.

     (e) sAttvika tyAgam details

         sAttvika tyAgam means dedicating the act one is performing
         or has performed entirely to Bhagavan, and that Bhagavan is
         performing it through you entirely for Himself.  It is said
         before and after performing the karma. In an abbreviated form,
         here is one version:

         Before doing the karma:
              bhagavAn eva svaniyAmya sva-Sesha-bhUtena mayA
              svasmai svaprItaye svayam eva [name of the act] kArayati.

         After doing the karma, say the same thing, except replace the
         last word "kArayati" with "kAritavAn".

     (f) procedure for wearing the yajnopavitam (poonool)
         (1) Sit squatting (kukkuTTAsanam) facing east. Acamanam twice
         (2) prANAyAmam, wearing pavitram if available
         (3) sankalpam, with sAttvika tyAgam:

             yogyatA-siddhyartham yajnopavIta-dhAraNam karishye

         (4) Put one yajnopavItam on at a time. To do this,
             hold the yajnopavItam with both hands, with your right
             palm facing up over your head, and your left palm facing
             the ground. The top of the brahma-mudi (knot) should be
             on your right palm and should be facing right. Then say
             this mantra, while holding the sacred thread this way:

             brahmA Rshi:
             trishTup chanda:
             trayIvidyA devatA
             yajnopavIta dhAraNe viniyoga:

             yajnopavItam paramam pavitram, prajApater yat sahajam purastAt |
             Ayushyam ugryam pratimunca Subhram yajnopavItam balam astu teja: ||

             Now wear the yajnopavItam. Acamanam once.

             If you are married, repeat this procedure for the second yajnopavItam,
             from the praNAyAmam and sankalpa to the mantra, and wear the thread.

             Then, after saying

             upavItam chinnantu jIrNam kaSmala-dUshitam |
             visRjAmi punar brahman varco dIrghAyur astu me ||

             remove the old yajnopavItams and discard them under a tree or some
             other natural place. Don't throw them in the garbage!

             Acamanam again followed by sAttvika tyAgam.

         (5) mantras for maunji, ajina, and daNDa dhAraNam

             (a) maunji

                 prAvepAmA bRhatA mAdayanti pravA tejA hariNe vavRtAnA: |
                 somasyeva maujavatasya bhaksho vibhIdako jAgRvirmahyamacchAn ||

             (b) ajina

                 RRk-sAmAbhyAm-abhihitau gAvau te sAma nAvita: |
                 Srotram te cakre AstAm divi panthAS carAcara: ||

             (c) daNDa
                 esha ksheti rathavIthir maghavA gomatIranu ||