Re: Pancha Sooktham recitation

From the Bhakti List Archives

• September 8, 1998

Mohan wrote, regarding rules for learning the Vedas:
> This leads me to the question as to whether such a rule also applies to the
> divya prabhandam, because it is considered by our sAmpradayam to be equal
> to vEda in meaning and importance.  This question is a very general one,
> and extends even to those commonly known paasurams such as thirupallAndu
> and thirupAvai.

The Prabandham is equal to the Sanskrit Vedanta in the sense
that they convey the same meaning and are of equal authority.
However, they are not subject to the same rules.  In fact,
the greatness of the Prabandham is that it can be learnt
and recited by all, at nearly any time, without any restriction.
While it is always better to learn the Prabandham from someone
who knows it (it is also easier to learn it this way), it is
not a requirement, as far as I know.

There is only one restriction on Prabandham recitation that
is generally observed: the Tiruvaymoli should be recited sitting
in the Lord's presence, with the Lord himself sitting (i.e.,
not in puRappaadu [procession]) listening to it.  This is because
of the unique respect due Nammalvar and the Tiruvaymoli.  This 
rule does not apply to other parts of the Prabandham.

This does not mean that the Tiruvaymoli can't be recited to
oneself on one's own time, or discussed amongst friends -- it
only concerns formal recitation as part of worship.

Oh yes, and one other rule regarding the Prabandham is this:
the taniyans [invocatory stanzas in praise of the Alvar and
the composition] should be recited before it.

daasan Mani