[sv-rituals] Re: Some observations on sandhyAvandana - 3

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Wed May 22 2002 - 13:12:04 PDT

My friend once again gave me some good comments on my
last post. They are worth sharing with the rest of you:

* Not too long ago, people used to perform the sahasra (1008)
* gayatri japa thrice daily. My own household Brihaspati has said
* that in his days at the pAthashAla, they had to do this
* strictly everyday and that there was no slack on that
* rule.  Another Veda teacher of mine has mentioned that he went 
* thru this hardship with its associated pangs of hunger and
* such. :-)

* Well, they didn't have much to do other than this
* and learning, collecting bhiksha etc. If you take 90
* minutes for each session, it is 4.5 hours of Japa. Still
* leaves plenty of time for a full time student to learn
* quite a bit of stuff over 14 years. If you allow for some
* cheating on the part of the boys, it would not have been
* impossible. This is in the early part of the 20th
* century. At Bodhayana's time, it would have been even
* less of a problem. No TV, no basketball, no cricket, no
* Engineering. Simple life.


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