mukunda mAlA - Part 7

From the Bhakti List Archives

• Tue Oct 06 1998 - 11:04:17 PDT

SrI V. saDagOpan's commentary on the mukunda-mAlA stOtram :


baddhEnAnjalinA natEna SirasA gAtrais sa-rOmOdgamai:
 kaNThEna svara-gadgadEna nayanEnOdgIrNa bAshpAmbunA |
nityam tvac-caraNAravindayugaLa dhyAnAmRtAsvAdinAm
 asmAkam sarasIruhAksha satatam sampadyatAm jIvitam || 20

  After meditating on and describing the viSva-rUpam of the Lord in the 
previous verse, SrI kulaSEkharar is awe-struck and his voice falters.
Tear swell up in his eyes; he has horripilation. With anjalI hastham and bent
head, the AzvAr begs Lord SrI ranganAtha for His blessings to have continued
memory of His nectar-like Feet.

In utter humility, the AzhvAr says, "O Lord, Remembering You is the most
blessed experience, like drinking nectar. Let this bliss continue forever
for us (asmAkam jIvitam satatam sampadyatAm) with Your blessings."



hE gOpAlaka ! hE kRpA-jala-nidhE ! hE sindhu-kanyA-patE !
 hE kamsAntaka ! hE gajEndra-karuNA-pArINa ! hE mAdhava !  |
hE rAmAnuja ! hE jagad-traya-gurO ! hE puNDarIkAksha! mAm
 hE gOpI-jana-nAtha ! pAlaya param jAnAmi na tvAm vinA || 21

  After the humble prayer seeking the Lord'd blessings for constant memory
of His nectar-like Feet, SrI kulaSEkharar surrenders to Him in abject humility
and confesses that there is no other saviour for him except the Lord reclining
on Adi-SEshan ar SrI-rangam. He requests the Lord to protect him. He cries out
the many names of the Lord and begs for protection and concedes that he has 
no one to turn to. (mAm pAlaya tvam vinA param na jAnAmi)

When seeking protection, AzhvAr's first thoughts turn to gOpAlan who protected
the cows and calves on the plains of gOkulam. He thinks of that ocean of mercy
(kRpA-jala-nidhi) Who took care of the cows as a cowherd and seeks the same
type of protection from Him.  
While thinking of the Ocean of Mercy, AzhvAr's thoughts focus on the daughter
of the Milky Ocean whom the Lord married. (sindu-kanyA-pati:)

The AzhvAr's vast knowledge of purANa-s form the basis of his next nAmArcanam-s
like kamsAntaka and gajEndra-karuNA-pAriNa. He reflects on the celebrated
deeds such as the destruction of kamsa and the rescue of the king of elephants
from the mouth of the crocodile at a lotus pond. 
AzhvAr pays his respects to SrI kRshNa avtAram by exclaiming the Lord as
rAmAnuja ( younger Brother of Bala-rAma), as gOpI-jana-nAtha and as the teacher
of the three worlds (jagat-traya-guru) because of His blessings through the
teachings enshrined in the bhagavad-gIta.



bhaktApAya bhujanga-gAruDa-maNis trailOkya-rakshA-maNi: 
 gOpI-lOcana-cAtakAmbuda-maNis saundarya-mudrA-maNi: |
ya: kAntA-maNi rukmiNI-ghana-kuca-dvandvaika-bhUshA-maNi:
 SrEyO dEva-SikhA-maNir diSatu nO gOpAla-cUDA-maNi: || 22

  The thought of SrI kRshNa in the previous verse stirs the kRshNa-bhakti of 
SrI kulaSEkharar and in this verse the AzhvAr further celebrates the descent
of SrI ranganAtha as SrI kRshNa.

AzhvAr describes and celebrates the splendid gem of SrI kRshNa bhagavAn.
AzhvAr states that HE is like gAruDa-maNi which removes the dangers arising 
from poisonous snakes. He recognizes SrI kRshNa as the supremely brilliant gem
which protects the three universes. (trai-lOkya-rakshA-maNi:)

Azhvar also describes HIM as gOpI-lOcana-cAtaka-ambuda ie HE is the gem in the
form of rainy clouds for the cAtaka birds which represent the eyes of the
cowherdesses of gOkulam.

SrI kulaSEkharar is overcome by the beauty of SrI kRshNa and describes HIM
as the combined essence of all the beauty in this world, shining as an 
invaluable gem. (saundarya-mudrA-maNi:)

This beautiful gem of kRshNa is visualized as resting HIS head between the 
breasts of SrI rukmiNI dEvI. hence the AzhvAr describes HIM as the blue 
sapphire that adorns the chest region of SrI rukmiNI. (kAntA-manIr-rukmiNI-

Our AzhvAr also appreciates SrI kRshNa as the crown jewel of gOpas 
(gopAla-cUDA-maNi:) and crown jewel of deva-s (dEva-SikhA-maNi:)

AzhvAr prays to that illustrious blue gem (sa: na: SrEyO diSatu) and prays for
HIS benevolent blessings.


           ** SrI kRshNArpaNamastu **