Bhu Devi & NeeLA Devi : Question Of Shree
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Wed Oct 22 1997 - 05:20:44 PDT
Further to Sri Mohan Sagar"s response , I would like to add this comment for additional discussions: Sri S.M.S.Chari in his invaluable book has addressed this question at great length in Chapter 8 entitled : VishNu and Goddess Sri . The theological , ontological implications of the doctrine of Sri is covered here very thoroughly. Besides addressing the important question whether She( Lakshmi ) is on a par with VishNu enjoying equal status and a Vibhu , Dr.Chari covers the other Devis of the Lord and their relationship with Sri Devi. The points for consideration summed up by Dr.Chari are: (1) are Bhu Devi , NILA devi and other saktis listed by Lakshmi TantrA and Paancha Raathra SUtrAs distinct from Sri Devi and One another ? (2) Are they all to be taken as consorts Of VishNu? (3) What are their ontological status with respect to VishNu and Sri Devi ? The Purusha Suktham , Bhu SukthA of Yajur Veda samhithA and HarivamsA as an appendix of Maha BharathA , Brahma PurANA attest to the two devis( BHu & NeeLA ) as VishNu pathnis . Swami Desikan has composed Bhu sthuthi and GOdha sthuthi to indicate them as two DISTINCT consorts of Lord VishNu . >From the ontological point of view , Bhu Devi and NiLA Devi are regarded as two ASPECTS of VishNu sakthi , which according to PaancharAthra samhithAs is the VERY GODDESS LAKSHMI . Thus , they are AMSAS of Lakshmi . Both are personifications of KshamA or tolerance . Both are worshipped along with Lakshmi without affecting the unitary character of Lakshmi as the inseparable consort of VishNu enjoying the same status as VishNu . Vishvaksena SamhithA goes on to point out that Bhu and NeeLA Devis are not Vibhus like Lakshmi and yet both these Devis are dear to VishNu and are his consorts . The acceptance of additional consorts for the Lord does not thus affect the unitary character ofthe supreme Mother , MahA Lakshmi . Subhamasthu . V.Sadagopan
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