SaraNAgathi Journal : Why ?
From the Bhakti List Archives
V. Sadagopan • Tue Oct 21 1997 - 18:52:55 PDT
SrimathE Vaatsya VaradArya MahA GuravE nama: GuravE VaradAryAya kurvImahi namskriyAm I yath padhAmbhOja sEvA na: sudhE VedAntha sampathAm II Dear Friends : NadAtUr ammAL is the other name of the great AchArya , who is revered as Vaatsa VaradArya MahA Guru . Lord VaradarAjA Of Kanchi wondered loud , whether this servant of His is His ammA ( Mother ) , because of the tenderness with which he served the Lord milk at the right temperature every day . It was, neither too hot nor too cold , but of the most enjoyable soodu ( parama hitham ) . The Lord of Kanchi was moved by the solicitiousness of His bahkthA for His comfort during the occasion of the drinking of the milk served at the right temperature by NadAthur Vaatsya VaradAchAr . Lord VaradarajA , who has no parents inquired appropriately , " yen ammAvO ? " . From then on , this parama bhakthA of Kanchi VaradarAjan got the name of NadaathUr ammAL . He came from the agrahAram of NadAthur near Kanchipuram . Such a personal relationship and affectionate kaimkaryam to the Lord is typical of MahA BhakthAs of the Lord . Five centuries later , Saint ThyagarajA conversed with his upaasanA mUrthy , Sri RamachandrA at ThiruvayAru , and invited Sri RamA with affection to partake the milk that he had prepared for NaivEdhyam :" aaragimpavE , paalaragimpavE " ( Sri Rama ! my dear One ! pray drink this milk ) . Sri NadAthuR ammAL was a renowned occupier of the throne of intrepretation of Sri Bhaashyam of AchArya RaamAnujA . Hence, he was revered as Sri Bhaashya SimhAsanAdhipathi . He wanted to personally initate Sri VedAntha Desikan . He felt however that he was too old to complete the initiation of Sri Vedantha Desikan .He recognized that the child that stood before him with unusual tejas in his kalakshEpa ghOshti at the temple of of Kanchi VaradarAjan will one day blossom into a great Sri VaishNavite AchArya and therefore he entrusted the ubhaya VedAnthA instruction of Sri VedAntha Desikan to his disciple , KidAmbi ApuLLAr . Sri NadAthur AmmAL blessed us with a grantham revered as " Prapanna PaarijAtham " . It contains 150 slOkams put together by him as the essence of Lakshmi Tantram , VishvaksEna samhithai and other source works to help us understand the intricacies of SaraNAgathi . PaarijAtham is the kalpaka vruksham that confers the desired boons on those , who seek such boons from it. Since this grantham yields to the righteous (satthus) prapannAs all they wish to know about the means of attaining the Lord's sacred feet through prapatthi and yields them ultimately Moksha Siddhi , it is called Prapanna- paarijAtham . Commentators have observed that those who read this grantham , understand it and observe the doctrines recommended for practise there become true prapannAs and attain Moksha siddhi . This work deals with the following sub-topics : 1. The righteousness ( sev-vai) and the majesty of the upAya Vishaya PramANam , Prapatthi ( the chapter , PramANa prapatthi deals with the Vedic origins of Prapatthi ) 2. The adhikAri for that Prapatthi ( AdhikAri prapatthi: Who is eligible ?) 3. The svarUpam of that Prapatthi ( SvarUpa Prapatthi : Nature of Prapatthi ) 4. The conduct of PrapannAs ( those who engaged in the practise of the Prapatthi yOgam ) towards : (a) the AchAryAs (b) Lord / Thirumaal (c) Nithya sUris and (d) BhagavathAs Guru UpAsana paddhathi , Bhagavadh paricharyA paddhathi , Bhagavdh parijanOpAsanA paddhathi , sadhupAsanA paddhathi are the chapter headings for discussions on these topics. (5) Their conduct in observing the most essential of the recommendations of SaasthrAs (Vihitha VyavasthAna paddhathi ) (6) Observances and acts that must be discarded by them ( Varjaneeya Paddhathi ) (7) The fruit of that Prapatthi ( PalOdhaya Paddhathi ). When one understands the SaraNAgathi/Prapatthi vishayam assembled in the above chapters and observes them as revealed to us by this great AchAryan , there is no doubt about gaining the full fruit of Prapatthi yOgam and getting the boon of Nithya Kaimkaryam to the Divya Dampathis in parama padham in the company of Nithya sUris . The saraNAgathi magazine was started recently to focus on these areas to become familiar with source granthAs of AchAryAs that preceded and followed NadAthUr ammAL . Since the postings would be some what rich with original quotations and therefore would be somewhat "heavy " , this SaraNAgathi journal was coceived to be a be a compliment to the more informal postings in the Bhakthi list . I will conclude this introductory posting with a definition of the Compound word " SaraNAgathi " . NaadAthur ammAL splits " saraNAgathi " into two words : SaraNam and aagathi . SaraNam means upAyam ; aagathi means "varuhai " in Tamil or arrival at the conclusion . When one unites the two words , it refers to the conclusion of the PrapannA that the Lord is the only upAyam for his or her protection . PrapannA states clearly that the Lord alone is his or her upAyam and concedes in a mature way that the rest of the upAyams (means ) will not yield the fruit of moksham . The prapannan lays thus the burden of protecting himself and the fruits of such protection as not his , but that of the Lord as stated in the first slOkam of NyAsa Dasakam : aham madhrakshaNabharO madhrakshaNa palam tathA I na mama SripathErEvEthi aathmAnam nikshipEth bhudha :II Thus the prapannan practises saraNAgathi sAsthra anushtAnam ( SvarUpa , Bhara and pala samarpaNams ) and becomes free from worries about his protection . This is the SaraNAgathi with its five limbs ( AanukUlya sankalpam , PrAthkUlya varjanam, KaarpaNyam , MahA vivAsam and gOpthruva VaraNam ) known by its other names such as Bhara SamarpaNam , Aathma NikshEpam , Bhara NyAsam , Aathma nivEhanam and prapatthi . Sri VaradArya mahA GuravE nama: ahimsA prathamam pushpam pushpam indriya nigraha: I sarva bhUtha dayA pushpam kshamA pushpam visEshadha : I j~nAnam pushpam Tapa: pushpam DhyAnam pushpam tadhaiva cha I sathyamashtavidham pushpam VishNO: preethikaram bhavEth II Oppiliappan Koil VaradAchAri Sadagopan
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